Music is such a positive outlet for many of us and often helps to relieve our stress and anxiety. Putting your earbuds in is almost like a form of therapy and is the key to blocking out the world. That being said, like everything in astrology, each of the zodiac signs have different tastes and not all of them are willing to get up dancing to cheesy 80s hits; right Scorpio?
- Discover each zodiac sign's favorite hobby -
What genre of music does each zodiac sign enjoy?
Some of us are more rock’n’roll, or even K-Pop, whereas others are more into jazz jams. No matter how hard you try, you'll never get a fast-paced Aries to enjoy the mellow vibes of classical medleys, because it's just not them. After all, our musical tastes are a reflection of our personalities!
Who is the most musical zodiac sign?
Pisces is most certainly the most artistic and musically talented sign in the zodiac. There is nothing Pisces loves more than to lose themselves in their imagination, and they dream of making the world a better place whilst bopping along to their favorite tunes. With their empathy and intuition, they are able to "heal" others with their artistry and words. Rihanna, Olivia Rodrigo, Justin Bieber, and Chris Martin from Coldplay are all Pisces... And we're willing to bet that at least one of their songs has helped you heal your wounded heart!
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