What Is Sagittarius' Spirit Animal? - It's The Owl

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Sagittarius' spirit animal; the Owl, has a clear-sighted and different view of the world 🦉. This totem animal can interpret things that humans do not see in darkness. Thus, it has the power to penetrate the spirits, plus the ability to anticipate things accurately. Discover the symbolism of the Owl and what this extraordinary animal symbolizes and represents in your life if you are a Sagittarius native.

What Is Sagittarius' Spirit Animal? - It's The Owl
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If in western astrology the signs are established according to the wheel of the zodiac, in Amerindian astrology the totem animals were defined by observing nature. The Amerindian people had a different vision of the world from ours. They were very sensitive towards nature, and this is something we recognize today with great wisdom. Use our guide to identify your spirit animal.

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What are the origins of the Sagittarius animal; the Owl?

The animal symbol of the owl is the ninth spirit totem on the wheel of life used by Amerindian shamans, which corresponds to the end of autumn and the sign of Sagittarius. It corresponds to late autumn and to our western astrological sign of Sagittarius, to which it can bring a new and exotic perspective. This creature is a double sign, in many civilizations, it is sometimes considered positively and in others negatively, since it is capable of the best and the worst if it succumbs to its most infamous instincts. The owl represents the link between wisdom, judgment and knowledge. It is perceptive, observant and intuitive. It knows how to identify people's true personalities. Likewise, it helps you to let go and let yourself be guided, while exploring your dark side to find the light.

What does Sagittarius' spirit animal; the Owl, symbolize? - Discernment and protection

The Owl has a role as a protector. Indeed, the Amerindian people admired it, because it feeds essentially on pests. Its useful mode of hunting confers him a gift of discernment between the good and the bad, following the example of Sagittarius.

Among the ancient Greeks, the Owl was assimilated to Athena, who was known for her wisdom and her qualities as an adviser. The clairvoyance of the Owl is a precious power, which it will be necessary on the other hand to use wisely!

The Owl spirit animal is known for its clear and lucid view of things. It is even said to have the power to see hidden or concealed things. Owls are animals that are able to see in the dark: They have predatory vision, just like the cat. The owl is a nocturnal animal, fast and silent.

Those accompanied by the Owl spirit animal will receive its assistance in seeing beyond appearances and deceptions. As a totem animal, it guides and encourages you to see the true meaning of actions and to shed illusions. This can be related to other people's behaviors toward you or your own behavior, or even your state of mind. The Owl urges you to drop the masks, read between the lines and decipher the truth.

Thanks to the Owl's sharp vision, you can more easily become aware of a person's true motivations, or better realize the reality of a situation. This will help you make the right decisions. The creature's spirit guide encourages you to be discerning when faced with a situation that is difficult to assess. It also helps you to see more clearly when faced with disconcerting or troubling experiences.

What powers does the Owl spirit animal have?

If this is your spirit animal, then it offers you the immense power to always guess before the others. You have the gift to feel out your environment, if you don't like a person or a situation, don't insist and trust your instinct because it's your greatest strength. Manipulators and other toxic people don't last long with you because you unmask them immediately. This is your ultimate strength and means that you are the envy of others!

How does the Owl influence Sagittarius?

The owl first attracted the attention of the wise Indians for its unique way of life and hunting, and they were naturally taken aback by the very special look of this nocturnal bird of prey. With its distinctive eyes (huge and luminous), its characteristic blinking eyelids and, of course, its ability to see in the dark what human beings are incapable of perceiving, the Owl quickly established itself as the animal embodiment of the power of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance of that which eludes man, clairvoyance beyond the darkness, beyond even the veil of night, itself a symbol par excellence of the occult and the hidden, often of death.

The Owl can therefore unravel great mysteries naturally, without the need for any gimmicks: its power is that of mind penetration, of a different view of the world that enables us to apprehend realities otherwise beyond our comprehension. Shamans also noted that the Owl feeds mainly on insects and small rodents, considered by all civilizations to be harmful when they attack vital reserves and winter provisions. It therefore also took on a protective role, becoming the emblem of useful hunting, i.e. hunting that helps to secure one's needs and rid the world of its evil. In this sense, she was given the gift of discernment and judgment, which are also found in the traditional attributes of Sagittarius.

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The link between the Owl and personal transformation

The Owl spirit animal also embodies personal transformation. With its ability to see clearly even in the dark, it is a powerful symbol for those seeking to overcome obstacles, fears and blockages. The Owl invites Sagittarius people to embrace change and explore unknown aspects of yourself. It encourages you to use your intuition and wisdom to guide your transformation and help you evolve.

When you connect with the Owl as your Sagittarius animal, you embrace its ability to see things from a different perspective. You learn to step away from the known and venture into the unknown. The Owl inspires you to overcome your fears and transform yourself, using your intuition and wisdom as guides.

What does it mean if you dream of Owls?

If you regularly see this creature in your dreams, you are very gifted, because not everyone is blessed with such powerful appearances. If you come across one, be attentive to the message it tries to send you.

The Owl is traditionally associated with death just like the raven, it is not a physical death but a spiritual death, a kind of rebirth. The Owl warns you that changes are going to appear in your life, unless it is already the case? Are you in a transition phase? If so, listen because the owl has a message for you...

What does this totem represent?

  • Metamorphosis
  • Mobility
  • Intuition
  • Reason

Susan Taylor’s insights: Incredible intelligence

With the Owl near you, you will be able to better analyze all the information you receive from your environment. It is a bird with remarkable intelligence. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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charlotte 2 years ago

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Understanding mirror hours can provide you with insights into recurring patterns in your life, spiritual messages, and guidance. It can help you make informed decisions, find clarity, and connect with your higher self or spiritual guides.

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During a mirror hour reading, the psychic will interpret the significance of the specific times you keep seeing, such as 02:02 or 09:09. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed to you.

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