Our Psychics' Rituals To Warmly Welcome The New Year

Last updated by Madison Carter

Recharge your energy, achieve a goal, live in the moment, and simply be calmer and happier! Our psychics share their rituals to help you start 2025 on the right foot.

Our Psychics' Rituals To Warmly Welcome The New Year

Starting a new year is always an exciting time. We reflect on the past, leave behind what needs to be left, and begin a new chapter that we hope will be as happy as possible. It’s a particularly good moment to perform some rituals to stack the odds in your favor, especially since the 2025 horoscope predicts a year full of hope. The rituals from our best psychics will give you the boost you need.

Ritual to find love

The ritual by Sarika - Psychic love expert - Take an A4 sheet of paper and a pen. To create a positive energy around you, you can light a small candle and an incense stick.

Make sure you are alone and in a quiet space. Write at the top of your blank sheet: Romantic Encounter or Love Connection.

Then, letting your heart speak, describe in detail your ideal partner. This could include their appearance, job, personality, or what they bring into your life. Avoid using phrases like "I want" or "I don’t want"; instead, use neutral statements like "he has dark hair" or "she is blonde."

Once your paper is complete, read it every day for 30 days—before going to bed, for example. If you feel the need to make changes during these 30 days, rewrite the paper from start to finish.

>>> Read; Why I'm consulting a psychic at the beginning of the year

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Rituals to achieve a goal

The ritual by Psychic Deborah Naccache - Write your goal on a small piece of paper. Fold the paper into four. Create a small pyramid out of cardboard and place the paper in the center. Put this pyramid anywhere in your home and let the universe work for you.


The ritual also by Deborah - Visualize your goal as if you’ve already achieved it, with all the positive emotions that come with it, and do this several times a day. Just like an athlete who focuses solely on their goal of winning, think about your goal multiple times a day while systematically dismissing any doubts, anxieties, or negativity. Now breathe, visualize, and... go for it! Victory is right there, just ahead of you!

Rituals to recharge your energy

  • The ritual by Christina Angel - Sit in a comfortable position holding a Selenite crystal in your hand. Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus on your breathing, then visualize yourself bathed in white light. Stay in this state for as long as you want. This exercise helps recharge your energy and reconnect with your personal preferences, which are often set aside to meet external expectations. If you don’t have a Selenite, you can use a moonstone or a Howlite.
  • The ritual by Christina - Quickly and easily refocus on yourself. Every morning, light a candle and focus on the flame while taking deep breaths for 5 minutes. Then visualize your day as perfect and feel it. Your daily life will improve noticeably over time.

candle ritual🕯 The meaning of candle colors: make the right choice

The ritual by Ms. Belinda - When there’s a blockage in a situation, I recommend my clients burn a novena candle dedicated to Mary, Undoer of Knots. Then, to bring a project to fruition, pray and burn a novena candle for Archangel Gabriel for 9 days and nights. Afterward, write a letter to the universe to manifest your wishes. Burn pontifical incense to purify your home. Place coarse salt at the entrance to block negative energies. For harmony, place flower of life symbols in your space.

Madison Carter
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Ritual to live each day with joy

The ritual by Love Advisor Kitt - Every morning, I wake up with a smile. As I get up, I say: "Gratitude for this new day that begins, for this day will be wonderful and will allow me to attract all forms of abundance."

✨ Your new chapter begins now! ✨

Dear friends seeking renewal, you hold the keys to profound transformation for 2025. These rituals are gateways to unlocking your best potential. As our psychics and mediums affirm, the energy of the New Year is particularly favorable for new beginnings and positive manifestations. Give your life a fresh boost! Imagine yourself in a few months, looking back and smiling at how far you’ve come.

🌟 Why wait to discover what the universe has in store for you? Our spiritual guides are here to accompany you on this beautiful journey. Take advantage of your free consultation to lay the foundation for your 2025. Together, let’s turn your dreams into reality!

Remember: every great journey begins with a single step. Take that step today—the universe is already working in your favor.

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Article presented by
Madison Carter

Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨

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Frequently Asked Questions about Spiritual Readings

What are the benefits of a spiritual reading? ▼

A spiritual reading can provide **clarity, healing, and deeper self-awareness.** It helps you understand divine guidance, uncover hidden truths, and align with your purpose.

What can I expect from a spiritual reading? ▼

Your psychic will channel messages from spiritual guides, angels, or the universe to offer **insight, reassurance, and enlightenment.** Readings may include intuitive insights, energy assessments, or guidance on life’s challenges.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes! New clients can get $30 free when they add $10. This lets you experience a spiritual reading and connect with a trusted psychic before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a spiritual reading? ▼

Find a quiet space, clear your mind, and set an intention for your session. You may wish to prepare **specific questions, focus on an issue, or simply remain open** to the wisdom that comes through.

Are spiritual readings confidential? ▼

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