2. Align your resolutions with your deepest values
Instead of focusing solely on external goals, ask yourself these essential questions that touch the very core of your being. Take the time to connect with what makes your heart sing, what makes you feel alive and aligned.
We often spend our lives chasing goals that don’t truly reflect who we are. We get swept up by societal expectations, family pressures, and the opinions of those around us. "You should do this," "You should be like that..." These external voices can drown out our own, the one that knows what we truly need.
- What gives my life meaning?
- How can I live more in tune with my values?
- Who do I want to become?
The answers to these questions might not come immediately, and that’s okay. It’s a process that requires time, patience, and honesty with yourself. But as you begin to uncover these answers, your resolutions will naturally take on a more authentic direction.
>>> Discover the perfect New Year's resolution for each zodiac sign
3. Incorporate daily spiritual practices
No, you don’t need to meditate for three hours a day in lotus position (unless that’s your thing!). Start small—it’s not about overhauling your life, but rather gently infusing it with a sacred dimension. For a long time, I thought spirituality had to look like this: hours of silent meditation, impossible yoga poses, complex mantras... Until I realized that true spirituality is found in the simplicity of everyday life.
It’s in your cup of tea, when you take the time to feel its warmth in your hands. It’s in the moment you look up at the sky and watch the clouds dance. It’s in the spontaneous smile you share with a stranger. Spirituality isn’t something you do—it’s a way of being, a way of living each moment with more awareness and presence. Here are a few practices to help you get started:
- 5 minutes of gratitude in the morning
- A short meditation before bed
- Keeping a personal reflection journal
- Moments of connection with nature
- Practicing kindness toward yourself
>>> Read up on our psychics' rituals to welcome the New Year
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