The Taurus Spirit Animal Is The Beaver, Symbol Of Hard Work

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The Taurus spirit animal is Beaver, the creature who portrays the image of an outstanding builder and homemaker. 🦫 This creature is said to always be in action and therefore symbolizes the power and pride of the work accomplished. Faithful to his clan, the Beaver is a symbol of harmony between beings and teamwork. Discover the symbolism of this animal and learn all about this admirable and incomparable totem that guides and accompanies many of us.

The Taurus Spirit Animal Is The Beaver, Symbol Of Hard Work
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Taurus spirit animal is the Beaver

This creature is a true force of nature, capable of taming its environment, and despite the odds is also very reliable. What is your spirit animal? Discover who protects and guides you. The animal symbol of the Beaver is the second spirit totem in the wheel of life of Amerindian shamans. 🦫 It corresponds to the middle of Spring and to our western astrological sign of Taurus, to which it can bring a new and exotic perspective. Like Taurus people, Beavers are highly adaptable. Beavers can create great things, working long hours to ensure stability and security. They are quick-witted and will always find a solution to improve their living comfort.

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What are the origins of the Beaver?

The Beaver is the second totem spirit and corresponds to the middle of spring and the sign of Taurus; with whom he shares a very similar personality. The Beaver is a hard worker and a fast worker and as a talented builder, he is also capable of causing great destruction in order to bring his projects to fruition. He greatly influenced the Amerindians through his organization and clan spirit.

The Beaver is a builder who likes to work with his family. His sense of reality and entrepreneurial spirit help bring projects to fruition. Indeed, the Beaver is a symbol of vigilance and just like the sign of Taurus, it loves its property and knows how to defend it!

What does the Beaver symbolize for Taurus? - Hard work and dedication

The Beaver and the astrological sign of Taurus match pretty perfectly. Both their practical senses are highly developed and to ensure stability and security they are able to create great things. They are creators and workaholics. They are capable of changing their environment with incredible speed, without ever hesitating to take over wealth or even impoverish their environment for their own needs.


This spirit animal is also a symbol of transformation and chastity, due to its flat tail. When it comes to love and relationships, it’s also a model of stability and fidelity, because he’s very attached to his family setting.

The beaver is often considered a symbol of determination, industry, and creativity. Beavers are known for their hardworking nature and their ability to build and maintain dams and lodges, which is seen as a symbol of the ability to create and build something of lasting value and significance. They are also known for their ability to work together with their colony to maintain and protect their habitat. This is seen as a symbol of cooperation, community, and the ability to work together towards a common goal. Other traits associated with the beaver spirit animal include resourcefulness, adaptability, and the ability to think strategically and plan for the future. Beavers are also known for their ability to manipulate their environment and create new habitats, which is seen as a symbol of the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles.

In certain spiritual traditions, the beaver is also associated with the ability to focus on the task at hand, to be dedicated, and to persist in order to achieve one's goals. They are also associated with the aspects of creation and the ability to manifest one's desires. The beaver is also associated with the power of the earth, and with the ability to connect with and understand the natural world. They are also associated with the importance of self-care, balance and harmony in one's life, also associated with the aspect of family and community.

On the positive side, the beaver is a builder with real power to make a real difference to his environment, to change the course of things and of life. He has the ability to transform ideas and desires into reality. He's a hard worker, and it's amazing how an animal of his size can profoundly alter his living space in just a few days. However, if he goes too far in his desire to recompose nature, he ends up monopolizing the world's riches for his own use, and then upsetting the subtle balance of the universe through his excessive tendency to accumulate. What's more, it can end up plundering and impoverishing its environment by concentrating on its own needs.

Because they form a couple for life, beavers are models of fidelity and stability. He's an attentive parent, and the Beaver force promotes family unity, security and domestic comfort (the dams he builds are real "villas" with several rooms and several entrances). It's a peaceful nature, profoundly non-belligerent. A lesser-known fact: throughout the Middle Ages, and due to the first clumsy observations made about the animal, the beaver, precisely because of its flat tail (beaver has the same etymology as castrated) was reputed to be an example of chastity: this is a collective metaphor for the possible mastery of sensuality that we find in our astrology with the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The Beaver's other striking characteristic is of course its impressive dentition, reminiscent of Taurus orality: the mouth, symbol of what is absorbed and assimilated, takes center stage.

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The powers of the Beaver, Taurus' spirit animal

The Beaver is gifted with the ability of transformation and intelligence. He adapts very quickly thanks to his sharp mind and his ability to change and improve his condition, even at the expense of others. If the Beaver is your totem animal, then you have the strength available to realize all your projects. In a work environment, you show iron discipline and innovative creativity to carry out all your missions successfully.

What does it mean if you see this animal in your dreams?

When a Beaver appears in your dreams, it means it's time for you to act. The Beaver encourages you to finalize an unfinished project and finally take action. You've waited long enough, it's time to start working hard, so that you can be successful.

The Beaver’s characteristics include being;

  • Hardworking
  • Giving
  • Generous
  • Inventive

You now know all about this incredible totem animal that is the Beaver, so why not discover your rising sign too?

Susan Taylor’s insights: A strong animal

A totem animal is there to protect us, to give us a message, and to accompany us along our path. Be attentive to the signals that surround you, and you will be able to understand what the Universe is trying to tell you. If you are currently in a complicated situation, if your future worries you or if you feel a little lost, do not hesitate to make an appointment with a clairvoyant. With gentleness and kindness, he will know how to enlighten your future.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.


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