From turning up late, talking over people, being ignorant, to a blatant disregard for others or even cursing, we all know at least one person that we’d consider as being down right rude and disrespectful. Although, and thankfully for that matter, to compensate for the impolite folks out there and restore the balance, we all know people who are amazingly polite and considerate too.
Which zodiac sign is the rudest, and who is the most polite?
Certain situations bring out the worst in us and see us turning into something we usually aren't. Being put on hold on the phone, terrible customer service or even bad drivers are just some examples of what provokes our fury and tirade of bad-mouthing. Rudeness is without doubt one of the biggest turn-offs, yet so many people seem to fall victim to this ugly trait, especially when they are angry and upset. So, without further ado, let's take a look at Susan Taylor's ranking.
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True that Sagittarius can be rude but often speak without thinking. "Lovely Hat. Hides your face!". Fire signs often chuck out statements without thought of giving offence to the more sensitive souls. Air signs are often word wise and diplomatic but can hide an insult inside the fine speech.
Chrissie, 3 years ago