Aquarius And Taurus Compatibility: ♥ This Is An Explosive Duo

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The two natives are just as stubborn as each other, and the disagreements here are set to be scary! Taurus is gentle but possessive and may quickly suffocate the freedom loving Aquarius, who will struggle to express their feelings! Aquarius is very intellectual but has trouble speaking their minds; making them seem very detached. Can this pair find any common ground to make things work? This relationship can become a great battle between the two, because Aquarius is the sign of independence, freedom, and forward-thinking, whereas Taurus is the opposite of all that. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Aquarius And Taurus Compatibility: ♥ This Is An Explosive Duo

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"Aquarius and Taurus need to let loose together." 

❤️ Aquarius and Taurus compatibility score: 2/5

These two signs face difficulty trying to get along in their relationship because they really are very different. The root of the problem is that Taurus personality is possessive, while Aquarius boasts their independence loudly. Aquarius is passionate and focused on the future, which is why they have trouble reassuring the stable Taurus. Taurus isn't prepared to change up their habits or their views just to please someone else. In short, Taurus and Aquarius imagine different futures and their goals are just incompatible. Taurus is afraid of the originality that forms a big part of the Aquarius personality, and Aquarius on the other hand feels bound to a cage by Taurus’ jealousy and traditional views. It only works if they share with the other what they’re lacking.

Taurus and Aquarius are strong individuals with rather fervent ideas of what they want in a relationship. These ideas clash in several ways! According to Aquarius and Taurus love compatibility, they are a bit more traditional in terms of the relationship. While Aquarius has a lighter and more friendly attitude towards being in a relationship.

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Could Aquarius and Taurus have a successful relationship?

If Aquarius and Taurus begin a romantic relationship, they will need to put lots of effort in and have great communication. This duo is better suited for work, not in love 👫. When these two universes meet, it creates a special blend that makes their relationship quite atypical but viable. So, between conformism and non-conformism, they should share some pretty intense moments!

An Aquarius native is a realistic person who believes in their own dreams and believes in their own path. Their personality has qualities of air, so even if one thinks they know them well, they are unpredictable. They float around the mental sphere, dabbling in all sorts of thoughts and ideas, but their personality is hard to paint, and their values are as consistent as possible. They are truly unique individuals and are not willing to play by someone else's rules when it comes to love. In a relationship, they are very loyal to their partner but can be detached and low on emotions at the same time.

Over time, they find each other much more aware than they were initially. They are charming partners to each other, giving each other their whole hearts with true dedication. Their love is tender and inspiring, helping them achieve better outcomes in their personal and professional lives. But they can sometimes find each other detached with very little to express, and that can be disturbing for romantic individuals like Taurus.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Aquarius -

What could bring this couple down?

This relationship is complex, and these partners will have to learn how to steer it in the right direction. All the aspects of this couple could possibly go on to break the complicity between them. Another problem between the two of them is jealousy. This will always be the great evil between them, and it's what will make the native of Aquarius literally run away from the native of Taurus.

According to Aquarius and Taurus love compatibility, Taurus is an individual with a sensitive head and a loving heart ❤️. It is very important for them to leave a notable imprint on the world around them, and can become demanding or too involved when they don't succeed. Being a bit more traditional, they are often less comfortable facing the realities of modern society, which can cause anxiety. Emotionally, they are not in a hurry to let their feelings unfold, so when they open up, it is a certain sign that they are serious about the relationship.

What will their sex life be like?

It'll be tough for this pair to let go and live in the moment, especially for the sometimes rigid Taurus 💏. Aquarius needs to be careful however not to rush Taurus, who can quickly take a stand! Although Taurus and Aquarius natives seem to be opposites, they share some personality traits. They are both intelligent and know how to get what they want. But because of this mental acuity, these two zodiac signs are very stubborn. And if these ideas don't match, love compatibility does not exist in this relationship.

📍 Love advice for this pair 📍

Learn to communicate and talk openly. The success of this couple can only be achieved with a good dose of willpower, and if both signs bring to their spouse what they lack. This combination works better on a professional level than on a private one.

In conclusion...

According to Aquarius and Taurus love compatibility, there are some fundamental clashes with the alliance of Taurus and Aquarius individuals as they differ in their perspectives. They may consider each other's mindset impractical and insufficient to assess the world around them. This results in protective instincts from Taurus. While they find each other more wrapped up in their own thoughts and unwilling to accept the world.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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