Aquarius And Cancer Compatibility: ♥ They Aren't Made To Get Along

Last updated by Susan Taylor

They both have mood swings, but for very different reasons, and often refuse to communicate to smooth things over. Cancer will tend to be overly sensitive, and Aquarius could find themselves feeling a little thrown off by this tornado of emotions. Aquarius will also have difficulty managing the Cancer's need for intimacy, as well as their possessiveness and jealousy in love. On second thoughts, this pair would probably do best to avoid a romantic relationship. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Aquarius And Cancer Compatibility: ♥ They Aren't Made To Get Along

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"Aquarius and Cancer aren't in tune sexually." 

❤️ Aquarius and Cancer compatibility score: 1/5

This duo gets along better in a professional setting or friendship than an intimate relationship. Cancer personality and Aquarius will discover they have a strong understanding of each other very quickly. In love, a Cancer needs constant reassurance, while Aquarius likes adventure, improvisation, and can’t give Cancer the security they need and crave. Aquarius will be attracted to the poetic side of Cancer but will struggle to give the Cancer what they require. Aquarius people are very romantic, however they have a problem when it comes to exclusivity and stay faithful in a relationship; something that Cancer doesn't appreciate.

Cancer and Aquarius are signs with elements that don't inherently match. One is dominated by water, the other is governed by air, so the chemistry between them is possible but quite fragile. When Cancer and Aquarius are together, they have good times because they still share a common fantasy and a certain carefree attitude. They are capable of establishing a beautiful complicity; however, they have a very different outlook on life 🧠.

Cancer is very focused on the past, always analyzing its feelings and emotions, while Aquarius is a forward-thinking being, always focused on the future. Moreover, the air sign seeks more intellectual than emotional companionship with its partner, which does not align with the water sign's aspirations.

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Could Aquarius and Cancer have a successful relationship?

They should instead bank on the easiness of each other’s company when they play games together, if not, Cancer will become frustrated by their desire for companionship from an Aquarius who doesn’t want to be tied down. Aquarius will not be insensitive to Cancer's charm, far from it, even if they are not from the same astrological universe. Thus, their relationship will quickly prove to be surprising, surprising but so delightful.  The versatility and adaptability of the Aquarian native will contrast with a certain inertia that the Cancer native tends to develop. In this way, Cancer will benefit from the union and will tend to have a more creative and eventful life than the one they had 🎨.

Aquarius needs a partner who supports them without restricting their freedom; they need to feel free to act as they please. They enjoy change and meeting various people, whereas Cancer dislikes socializing, prefers small gatherings, and the warmth of their home. Nevertheless, all these differences do not represent an insurmountable obstacle. If these two signs love each other deeply, they are also capable of making compromises to make their relationship last.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Aquarius -

What could bring this couple down?

Aquarius wants to build for the future, whereas Cancer has a hard time not focusing on the past. This fundamental difference means they will have to learn to make your their ways of thinking cohabit in order to be able to move forward and build! They must be understanding and communicative! Aquarius natives love freedom and appreciate a little wildness from time to time, however Cancer isn't exactly always able to give them this.

For Cancer and Aquarius to understand each other, they need a good dose of goodwill because their communication is punctuated by numerous misunderstandings. Even if they can get along well when working on a common project, they struggle to be on the same wavelength and harmonize 😬. Aquarius indeed has a lot of difficulty dealing with Cancer's hypersensitivity, and the latter doesn't understand why the air sign has so much trouble expressing what it feels internally.

On the emotional side, they also find it challenging to reconcile their different natures. Aquarius is often restless and much too quick for Cancer's sensitivity, which feels comfortable only in the peace of a cozy atmosphere. The water sign is too disturbed by the rebellious nature of the air sign. That said, when they achieve balance and beautiful tolerance, they can lead a pleasant family life.

What will their sex life be like?

Although both of these natives are intuitive, they have difficulty understanding each other's desires in the bedroom! The Aquarian loves everything and everyone and is not ready to be romantic or exclusive in their relationship with their partner. Regarding intimacy between Cancer and Aquarius, everything is a matter of balance, and it may be challenging to find it at the beginning of their relationship. Cancer is known for its heightened sensitivity, so this sign tends to stress easily if it struggles to set boundaries with its partner. However, Aquarius is a sign that constantly needs change, including in the realm of sexuality, but it also likes to keep some reference points. Yes to change, but not to revolution!

The goal between them would be for Cancer to be less anxious and for its rationality to take more precedence 💏. On the other hand, the energetic Aquarius is encouraged to have more self-control and, especially, not to demand anything from the water sign under the covers. When they manage to get along well, Cancer brings tenderness and sweetness to the relationship, and Aquarius ensures that routine doesn't set in between them.

📍 Love advice for this pair 📍

They will have to rely on humor and a taste for play to keep their ties intact. Otherwise, they may gradually drift apart, with Cancer feeling frustrated due to their need for fusion and Aquarius demanding more freedom!

In conclusion...

Of course, not everything is rosy between these two signs, and they sometimes disagree or get stuck on a character trait that irritates them. This is the case, for example, with Cancer, who makes a point of always working with the utmost seriousness, and who is exasperated to see that Aquarius is indifferent to all discipline.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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