7. Despotism: Submission
This card announces submission; the querent is tied to a situation they cannot escape. It is synonymous with slavery; the querent feels exploited. It is heavy with constraints and oppression. It evokes a situation where the querent feels dominated, whether by a person, an institution, or circumstances that limit their freedom of action. This card may reveal a work environment or a personal relationship where the querent is subject to excessive authority, often to the detriment of their own well-being.

Its meaning in a love reading: This card signifies that something is wrong in the relationship. The querent may feel like a slave to a person or not free to act because of their situation (see type of reading, question asked). This card often appears in the case of a toxic relationship, indicating sacrifice and resignation. Unless one of the two people is not free.
8. Ruins: Breakup
This card announces a contract or relationship breakup. It is synonymous with destruction and loss. It may announce the collapse of plans or relationships that seemed solid. This card suggests a painful but necessary end to make way for something new. It can represent financial bankruptcy, job loss, or the end of an important relationship.

In the sentimental domain, it is often associated with difficult separations or divorces. Although the Ruins card may seem definitive, it also offers the possibility of rebuilding on healthier foundations, learning from past mistakes.
9. Theft/Loss: Victim of abuse
This is a very bad card; it announces that the querent may be a victim of theft, loss, or even abuse of trust. For example, if this card is associated with the "Travel" card, it warns of the risk of loss or theft during an upcoming trip. This card gives the impression of not being able to recover the situation. It warns the querent to be careful with their personal belongings and to beware of people who may seek to take advantage of them. The message of this card is to stay vigilant and protect one's resources, whether emotional or material.

Its meaning in a love reading: Abuse of trust, deception... Sadness, a loss is to be feared if the situation is not corrected immediately!
10. Cloister: Great solitude
This card is a sign of isolation, loneliness, sadness, imprisonment. It can represent a hospital, a barracks. In short, it represents all closed places, withdrawal into oneself. It is isolation, whether chosen or imposed. It evokes a period of withdrawal from the world, solitude that may be necessary for personal reflection or healing. However, this card can also indicate a feeling of confinement or alienation, where the querent feels cut off from their social or emotional environment.

In a love context, the Cloister may signify emotional or physical distance between partners, or a need for solitude for one of them. It invites questioning whether this isolation is beneficial or if it is time to seek the company and support of others.
11. Fatality: End of a cycle
This card announces death, contract breakup, relationship end, conclusion. However, it does not always represent death in the literal sense; it may simply announce the end of a cycle. It is often misunderstood because it carries the notion of inevitable destiny. It symbolizes the end of a cycle, the conclusion of a phase of life that must give way to a new era. Although this card may evoke events beyond control, it also reminds us that every end is the prelude to a new beginning.

In matters of the heart, it may announce a breakup or the end of a relationship, but also the possibility of a sentimental renewal. Fatality teaches us to let go of what cannot be changed and to welcome transformations with resilience.
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