The Meaning Of The Most Negative Belline Cards

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The cards of the Oracle de Belline can sometimes impress with their funereal names, but how important are they, and how should they be interpreted? We'll help you unravel the secrets of Belline's darkest and most negative cards, and tell you all about their meaning.

The Meaning Of The Most Negative Belline Cards

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The Oracle of Belline, a divinatory treasure inherited from the 19th century, continues to fascinate. Created by the mage Edmond and later popularized by the seer Belline, this oracle is a collection of 53 cards, each loaded with deep symbols and meanings.

The Oracle of Belline is a favorite tool for tarot readers, allowing them to decipher the subtle messages of the cards and provide the querent with enlightened advice. Its symbolic richness and precision make it an invaluable compass for those at a crossroads, seeking to understand the stakes of their life journey.

The Oracle of Belline is widely used by professional seers. We decode for you the meaning of the most negative cards of the Oracle of Belline. Note that the so-called "negative" cards play as crucial a role as the positive cards of Belline or the neutral cards of Belline. They are not there to instill fear or despair, but to offer a warning, an opportunity to reflect, and to prepare well for events.

1. Sterility: Indifference

The Sterility card evokes barren ground where nothing seems to grow. It symbolizes a void, a lack of vital energy or creativity in the concerned area. When it appears in a reading, it can indicate fruitless efforts, projects that do not come to fruition, or a sense of emotional isolation. In a professional context, it may signify a lack of prospects or opportunities. However, its message is not irrevocable; it can also encourage seeking new paths, reinventing one's approach to situations.

Sterility card Belline

In the realm of love, it can reflect a period of solitude or interrupted dialogue, prompting introspection on needs and expectations in relationships.

2. Malice: Disputes

This is a very powerful but also very negative card... It symbolizes disputes, malice. It also indicates various health problems that may require surgery. The Malice card embodies conflicts and tensions. It represents sharp words, malicious actions, and toxic energies that may surround the querent. This card suggests the presence of misunderstandings or rivalries that can escalate into disputes or quarrels. It may also signal health issues that require special attention.

Malice card Belline

In a love reading, it warns against hurtful verbal attacks and destructive behaviors. It is a call for vigilance and protection of one's personal space from negative influences.

3. Betrayal: The name says it all!

This card lives up to its name, announcing betrayal, deceit, and sometimes great anger. It is a severe warning. It reveals the presence of lies, deceptions, and betrayals that may upset the querent. It may indicate that someone in the querent's surroundings is not trustworthy or that a situation is not what it seems.

Betrayal card Belline

In the sentimental domain, it warns of infidelities, deceptions, or secret alliances that may come to light. Betrayal invites caution and reevaluation of relationships and commitments, seeking the truth behind appearances.

4. Trial: Negative judgment

The Trial card refers to the notion of judgment, whether legal or symbolic. It may indicate that the querent is involved in a legal dispute or is experiencing an inner conflict, judging themselves harshly or being judged by others. This card can also represent a period of criticism or evaluation that may not be in the querent's favor.

Trial card Belline

In a love context, the Trial may signal major disagreements, destructive criticisms, or even the prospect of separation if accompanied by negative cards. It invites reflection and mediation, seeking an equitable resolution of conflicts.

5. Accident: Real or figurative accident

This card announces an accident on the path, whether real or figurative. It suggests a sudden and unexpected event that may disrupt the course of things. It can represent a physical accident but also a figurative event, such as an emotional upheaval or an unexpected change of direction. This card may also indicate obstacles or delays that hinder the querent's progress.

Accident card Belline

In matters of the heart, it may warn of breakups or serious disagreements that require immediate attention. The Accident reminds us that life is unpredictable and that it is important to remain adaptable and resilient in the face of sudden changes.

6. Misfortune: Bad luck

This is a very heavy card in a reading... It makes the atmosphere heavy and often announces a period of bad luck. It may indicate that the querent is going through a phase where obstacles seem to pile up and efforts do not bear fruit. This card can also reflect a feeling of discouragement or fatigue in the face of adverse circumstances.

Misfortune card Belline

In the sentimental domain, Misfortune may signify periods of sadness, misunderstandings, or feelings of rejection, an impression of begging for love. However, it can also serve as a catalyst for self-questioning and life renewal, encouraging the search for solutions to overcome trials.

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7. Despotism: Submission

This card announces submission; the querent is tied to a situation they cannot escape. It is synonymous with slavery; the querent feels exploited. It is heavy with constraints and oppression. It evokes a situation where the querent feels dominated, whether by a person, an institution, or circumstances that limit their freedom of action. This card may reveal a work environment or a personal relationship where the querent is subject to excessive authority, often to the detriment of their own well-being.

Despotism card Belline

Its meaning in a love reading: This card signifies that something is wrong in the relationship. The querent may feel like a slave to a person or not free to act because of their situation (see type of reading, question asked). This card often appears in the case of a toxic relationship, indicating sacrifice and resignation. Unless one of the two people is not free.

8. Ruins: Breakup

This card announces a contract or relationship breakup. It is synonymous with destruction and loss. It may announce the collapse of plans or relationships that seemed solid. This card suggests a painful but necessary end to make way for something new. It can represent financial bankruptcy, job loss, or the end of an important relationship.

Ruins card Belline

In the sentimental domain, it is often associated with difficult separations or divorces. Although the Ruins card may seem definitive, it also offers the possibility of rebuilding on healthier foundations, learning from past mistakes.

9. Theft/Loss: Victim of abuse

This is a very bad card; it announces that the querent may be a victim of theft, loss, or even abuse of trust. For example, if this card is associated with the "Travel" card, it warns of the risk of loss or theft during an upcoming trip. This card gives the impression of not being able to recover the situation. It warns the querent to be careful with their personal belongings and to beware of people who may seek to take advantage of them. The message of this card is to stay vigilant and protect one's resources, whether emotional or material.

Theft card Belline

Its meaning in a love reading: Abuse of trust, deception... Sadness, a loss is to be feared if the situation is not corrected immediately!

10. Cloister: Great solitude

This card is a sign of isolation, loneliness, sadness, imprisonment. It can represent a hospital, a barracks. In short, it represents all closed places, withdrawal into oneself. It is isolation, whether chosen or imposed. It evokes a period of withdrawal from the world, solitude that may be necessary for personal reflection or healing. However, this card can also indicate a feeling of confinement or alienation, where the querent feels cut off from their social or emotional environment.

Cloister card Belline

In a love context, the Cloister may signify emotional or physical distance between partners, or a need for solitude for one of them. It invites questioning whether this isolation is beneficial or if it is time to seek the company and support of others.

11. Fatality: End of a cycle

This card announces death, contract breakup, relationship end, conclusion. However, it does not always represent death in the literal sense; it may simply announce the end of a cycle. It is often misunderstood because it carries the notion of inevitable destiny. It symbolizes the end of a cycle, the conclusion of a phase of life that must give way to a new era. Although this card may evoke events beyond control, it also reminds us that every end is the prelude to a new beginning.

Fatality card Belline

In matters of the heart, it may announce a breakup or the end of a relationship, but also the possibility of a sentimental renewal. Fatality teaches us to let go of what cannot be changed and to welcome transformations with resilience.


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12. Enemies: Hypocrisy

This card represents jealousies, hypocrisies, and declared or undeclared enemies. It is physical and/or moral aggression. It announces rivals in love or professionally. From a more psychological point of view, this card represents the things that gnaw at the querent from within. It reveals the presence of adversaries, whether known or unknown. This card warns the querent of the possibility of betrayals and sneaky maneuvers by those who may wish them harm. It can also represent internal struggles, doubts, and fears that act as inner enemies.

Enemies card Belline

In the sentimental domain, it may indicate jealousy, misunderstandings, and conflicts of interest. Enemies call for vigilance, protection of one's integrity, and clarification of intentions, both one's own and those of others.

13. Illness: Bad atmosphere

This card announces a bad atmosphere to come; it is a very bad card for a couple. It is a sign of a heavy atmosphere, discomfort, or pure illness. This card is not limited to physical suffering; it can also symbolize a period of emotional or psychological malaise. It suggests a toxic environment or a situation that saps the querent's energy and morale. This card may indicate a need for healing or change to regain balance and health.

Illness card Belline

In a love reading, Illness may reflect a relationship that has become unhealthy or a climate of tension affecting the couple's harmony. It encourages taking care of oneself and seeking solutions to improve the situation, whether through dialogue, therapy, or a change of context.

14. Inconstancy: Lack of investment

This card represents inconstancy, versatility, doubt. It means that someone is not fully invested in the querent's surroundings and is all over the place. Unless it is the querent who doubts and no longer knows how to act. It can represent the querent, a partner, or a colleague. It reflects a period of doubt, where commitments are taken lightly or decisions change frequently. This card may indicate a lack of direction or insufficient commitment to goals or relationships.

Inconstancy card Belline

It can also represent a person in the querent's surroundings who is versatile or unreliable. In matters of the heart, Inconstancy may signal hesitations, ambivalent feelings, or a lack of seriousness in the relationship. It encourages clarifying intentions and seeking greater stability, both in personal projects and intimate relationships.

Editorial insight: A personal guide

The cards of the Oracle of Belline, including those that carry difficult messages, are valuable tools to illuminate our path. They do not dictate our destiny, but invite us to explore it with courage and awareness. Interpreting these cards, in the unique context of each person, can open the door to insights and informed decisions. Do not hesitate to turn to a professional tarot reader who can accompany you in reading the messages of the Oracle of Belline.

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.


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Frequently Asked Questions about Tarot Card Readings

What are the benefits of a Tarot card reading? ▼

A Tarot card reading can provide you with deep insights, guidance, and clarity about your life's path. It can help you understand your past, present, and future, and offer advice on how to navigate life's challenges.

What can I expect during a Tarot card reading? ▼

During a Tarot card reading, the reader will use the cards to interpret messages and insights related to your questions or concerns. You can expect to receive guidance on various aspects of your life, including love, career, and personal growth.

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Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a Tarot reader and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a Tarot card reading? ▼

To prepare for a Tarot card reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.

Can Tarot card readings predict the future? ▼

Tarot card readings provide insights and guidance based on the current energies and situations in your life. While they can offer glimpses into potential future outcomes, they are not set in stone and should be used as a tool for self-reflection and decision-making.

How often should I get a Tarot card reading? ▼

The frequency of Tarot card readings depends on your personal needs and circumstances. Some people find value in regular readings, while others may seek guidance only during significant life events or when facing specific challenges.