What Are The Luckiest Numbers In Numerology? Calculate Yours

Last updated by Charlotte Davis

A little good fortune can at times go a long way in life! Whether you just go to the casino occasionally or are a gambling expert, everyone knows that lucky numbers are crucial when it comes to our success, victory and good fortune. So, will you soon hit the jackpot? Thanks to the art of numerology, you can find out your personal numbers that attract positive energies and use them to your advantage. Certain numbers bring us good luck. And with your name, you can find out which dates will work in your favor.

What Are The Luckiest Numbers In Numerology? Calculate Yours

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Which numbers are good in numerology? - Figure out yours with your name

You can't realistically expect numerology to give you the winning lottery combination, although, this art can reveal the figures that accompany you along the way and shed some light on the logic behind the figures that you choose! So grab a pen and paper and get ready to do some math!


Refer back to the table above to determine the number associated with each letter of your first and last names.

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3 Stages to working out your lucky figures in Numerology, using the table above

1. Use the vowels in your full name

  • Take the vowels of your first and last names and get their equivalences in our table above ⬆️.

Let's take the name John Smith, for example.

To calculate his first lucky number, we would add all the vowels together:

O and I 

6 + 9 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6 

2. Then the consonants for your second number

  • The second lucky number is found by adding the consonants of your first and last names.

For example: John Smith would give us:

1 + 8 + 5 +1 + 4 + 2 + 8 = 65 = 6 + 5 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 

3. And for the results...

  • You simply combine these numbers! So, John Smith would have: 62, 26, 22 and 66

How to calculate your lucky number

To determine your lucky number, add up your two digits. The total should always result in a number between 1 and 9. The lucky number is always considered the most important and influential in life. Now discover the meaning of your lucky number.

What does lucky number 1 mean?

Number 1 is symbolically associated with the Sun and the sign of Leo. It represents active, powerful energy, as well as willpower and courage. You are lucky by relying on your creativity. Design, draw, write, invent! You are likely to succeed professionally.

What does lucky number 2 mean?

Number 2 is symbolically associated with the Moon and the sign of Cancer. It represents passive, receptive energy, kindness, and sociability. The focus is on your close relationships (family or work). Don't try to control the external context at all costs. You achieve more through patience and diplomacy than through the use of force. Learn to embrace pleasant surprises and don't make decisions alone about what you should undertake.

What does lucky number 3 mean?

Number 3 is symbolically associated with Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius. It represents creative energy, the joy of living, and quick wit. You are skilled in communication and contacts. Make the most of your creativity and don't hesitate to showcase yourself. Be cautious of scattering your energy and focus. Love and friendship are predominant. You can deal with lawyers, officials, or financiers.

What does the lucky number 4 mean?

The number 4 is symbolically linked to Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. It represents constructive energy, reflection, and stability. Put your organizational skills and tenacity to good use, and people will trust you. You don't shy away from periods of constraint, and that's how they recognize your progress up the social ladder. You're physically tough, but make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What does the lucky number 5 mean?

The number 5 is symbolically linked to Mercury and the sign of Gemini. It represents a lively energy and a deep taste for escape. You feel a real need for oxygen and independence. You love exchanges and travel, as well as a change of pace. Contacts are encouraged, even if commitments are not always lasting. You have a talent for project design and study and a thirst for knowledge.

What does the lucky number 6 mean?

The number 6 is symbolically linked to Venus and the sign of Taurus. It represents harmony and gentleness, protection, and feelings. You have a sense of responsibility and adaptability. Seek conciliation rather than conflict. Your emotional life is the driving force behind your balance. Success in creative fields, and in everything to do with human management.

If 6 is your lucky number

The number 6 is symbolically linked to Venus and the sign of Taurus. It represents harmony and gentleness, protection, and feelings. You have a sense of responsibility and adaptability. Seek conciliation rather than conflict. Your emotional life is the driving force behind your balance. Success in creative fields, and in everything to do with human management.

What does the lucky number 7 mean?

The number 7 is symbolically linked to Uranus and the sign of Aquarius. Sometimes also to Neptune and Pisces. It represents mental and spiritual energy, as well as intuition and discretion. Purely material or financial matters aren't necessarily your cup of tea, and you may find periods of waiting rather burdensome, but it's by remaining confident and patient that you'll get the best out of them. You can count on life's pleasant surprises and satisfaction in your human relationships and friendships.

What does the lucky number 8 mean?

The number 8 is symbolically linked to Mars and the sign of Aries. Sometimes also to Saturn and Capricorn. It represents intense, concrete energy, determination, and ambition. The emphasis is on material and financial aspects, which you must take seriously. You have real qualities for convincing and constantly improving your situation or career. You have great energy, but avoid any form of arrogance and be fair in all things.

What does the lucky number 9 mean?

The number 9 is symbolically linked to Neptune and the sign of Pisces. Sometimes also to Mars and Scorpio. It represents an energy of dedication and service, as well as the absolute and the ideal. Good aspects for public or foreign contacts, teaching professions, or dedication to others. Sometimes, by choice or obligation, you'll have to take care of others. You hardly have time to think about yourself.

>>> If you've enjoyed this article, check out our numerology compatibility to find your perfect other half, as well as our yearly numerology predictions.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Listen to the numbers

Numbers act like guides for most parts of our lives, which is why they are so powerful. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Charlotte Davis

Numerology expert - With over 30 years experience in the Numerology field, I know everything there is to know about this domain. My goal is to enlighten you and to lead you to the best path possible.

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Charlotte Davis, My.Astrofame's Leading Numerology Expert

I'm My.Astrofame's head Numerology expert and have over 30 years of experience in the field. Numerology no longer holds any secrets for me, yet my passion for this art grows every day. I am here to help you gain insights into all areas of your life and to guide you through the difficult times. It's important for me to share my knowledge with you and to light up your path.

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