Libra's Spirit Animal Is The Crow; Symbol Of Wisdom And Intelligence

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Spirit animals are incredibly fascinating, especially the Crow, but what does this bird represent? 🐦‍⬛ This bird is globally associated with death, bad omens or terrible news. This association was formed because of their symbolical link with the battlefield, but, there is indeed much more to their meaning. These creatures are often found in fictional works and are frequently portrayed as being unlucky and as scavengers. Let’s discover what this bird represents for Libra natives and what its presence in your life means for your path.

Libra's Spirit Animal Is The Crow; Symbol Of Wisdom And Intelligence
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If you frequently dream of black Crows, do you know what these creatures actually represent and how to interpret their appearance? These creatures regularly leave us with a sour impression and put us on edge. But, is our interpretation of correct, or does this bird represent something deeper? 

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🐦‍⬛ What is the symbolism of Libra's spirit animal; the Crow?

The crow is a powerful spirit animal that represents intelligence, mystery, and magic. It is a symbol of prophecy and the ability to see into the future, and is often associated with the power of the sun and the ability to see the truth in all things. In many cultures, crows are seen as messengers from the gods, and are believed to have the power to bring good luck and prosperity. In some traditions, the crow is also seen as a protector and a guide, helping people to navigate through difficult times and find their way in life.

Crows have a shiny, deep black body with shiny black feathers. Their overall black color is probably one of the most important reasons for their symbolism of loss, death and darkness. Since many cultures associate black with evil and darkness, it makes sense that these birds are considered ungodly and sinister. In many communities, the sight of a crow is considered to bring news of someone's death.

In many ancient cultures, crows have been declared messengers of the gods, able to travel to all realms. They are also associated with shamanism, and thus have been known for their ability to protect us from the unseen and unknown enemy. As a symbol of good luck, this creature is also associated with manipulation and lying. It helps to understand the mysteries of life and has a higher spiritual power than the others. 

The Crow corresponds to the beginning of autumn and therefore to Libra, to whom it brings new light.

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1. They are magical beings

Shamanic tradition states that these birds represent magical people. These animals are very typically associated with mystery and creation, which is why they are linked to witchcraft. If you dream of these creatures, your spirit animal is attempting to reveal something to you, for example a message or a hidden truth from a higher power.

2. Change is around the corner

Symbol of destiny and of personal transformation, this bird is a symbol of metamorphosis. It may sound a little grotesque, but this bird turns the putrefying flesh into a dish of choice.

3. Death isn't far away...

As one of the top scavengers, these birds are symbols of death as well as of survival. They are under no circumstances afraid of death.

4. Determination and boldness

If you repeatedly see these creatures, it could be that you share the same qualities. These are brave animals and are very adaptable creatures. Their adaptability can at times lead them to be ruthless and even eat eggs that they stumble across in nests. Their need to survive can encourage them to become manipulative and sneaky.

What does the Crow spirit animal mean for Libra?

Here is the million-dollar question! Knowing exactly what this bird represents is tough, but thanks to certain characteristics, we are able to establish a solid base. The Crow’s appetite and scavenging nature represents death, as well as their high intelligence and wisdom. Did you know for example that the Nordic God Odin was advised by two Crows, which represented thought and memory?

In certain cultures, this animal is portrayed as a messenger. In ancient tradition, this creature acted as a messenger between the people and the Gods. In many myths, ravens have the reputation of being guardians of wisdom. However, they are also said to be horrible at keeping secrets. The totem animal of the raven derives this symbolism from knowledge of the Welsh hero Bran, the blessed, whose name means raven. Bran was the holder of ancestral memories, and his wisdom was legendary. 

The raven is a talkative, not to say shrill, animal, with no fewer than 30 vocalizations (and a gift for imitation) enabling it to communicate effectively within the group. The crow, like the snitch, is above all a communicator. A highly intelligent species, capable of quickly finding solutions to new problems, the crow is not a hunter, and is generally content to feed on what it finds (it's an omnivore that can play the role of scavenger) without picking fights with its rivals on the food chain (peaceful, accommodating and rational character). Crows are monogamous, forming a solid couple for life after a complex courtship.

What does it mean to see a crow?

Seeing a crow indicates that you may need guidance in your life. However, these birds do not visit everyone. They are attracted to the mystical aura of a chosen few. If you have seen crows lately, it means they have chosen to help you. Here are the things their spirit can help you with:

When you are responsible for justice, but your emotions blur the line between right and wrong, the crows will teach you to detach from the conflict to do what is right for everyone. When you've had a terrible experience that you can't get out of your head, the spirit of the crow will help you walk through the darkness and into the light of the present.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Surprising meanings

Not only will the Crow spirit animal get you out of your well of self-pity, but it will also show you how to judge a person's character. With him, you will learn that not everyone is what they seem. He will also teach you that it's okay to face failure, as long as you are willing to come back into the game stronger than before. 
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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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During a mirror hour reading, the psychic will interpret the significance of the specific times you keep seeing, such as 02:02 or 09:09. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed to you.

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