Total Lunar Eclipse On March 14 In Virgo: The Impacts Revealed

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Lunar and solar eclipses fascinate us, but where do they come from? And, how are they formed? Astrologer, Susan Taylor, reveals everything you need to know, plus she explains the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse and talks us through influence in astrology. 🔭 Discover the dates of the most important eclipses in 2025, here, and be sure not to miss out on them!

Total Lunar Eclipse On March 14 In Virgo: The Impacts Revealed

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An eclipse is a breathtaking celestial event where one astronomical body temporarily obscures another, creating a stunning alignment visible from Earth. The two types of eclipses we commonly observe are lunar eclipses and solar eclipses. Each year, there are at least four eclipses (two solar and two lunar), with the possibility of up to seven! These occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in near-perfect geometry.

>>> Read up on the dates of the Moon phases for 2025

Mark your calendar: The Eclipses of 2025

In 2025, we are set to experience four eclipses: two solar and two lunar. These celestial events are not just astronomical wonders but also carry profound astrological significance. Below is a quick overview of the dates and types of eclipses to watch for:

Time (GMT)
Type of Eclipse
March 14, 2025
11:00 AM
Total Lunar Eclipse
March 29, 2025
11:00 AM
Partial Solar Eclipse
September 7, 2025
6:10 PM
Total Lunar Eclipse
September 21, 2025
7:55 PM
Partial Solar Eclipse

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What each Eclipse means for you

March 14, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: This Full Moon eclipse emphasizes themes of organization, health, and productivity. Virgo’s practical energy encourages you to declutter your life—both physically and emotionally. Saturn and Uranus align to offer opportunities for long-term stability if you embrace change and let go of perfectionism.

🌕 How the March 14, 2025, Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo affects your zodiac sign

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025, will bring a wave of transformation, urging us to focus on organization, health, and emotional clarity. This eclipse is a powerful time for self-improvement and releasing what no longer serves you. Find out how your zodiac sign will be impacted:

Zodiac Sign
Eclipse Impact
♈ Aries
Time to refine your daily routines and focus on health. Avoid impulsive decisions.
♉ Taurus
Creativity and romance take center stage. Let go of past emotional baggage.
♊ Gemini
Family matters and home life require attention. A great time for decluttering.
♋ Cancer
Communication is key. Be mindful of how you express your emotions.
♌ Leo
Financial shifts may occur. Focus on budgeting and long-term stability.
♍ Virgo
A major personal transformation is underway. Step into your power with confidence.
♎ Libra
Deep emotional healing is needed. Let go of past wounds and embrace self-care.
♏ Scorpio
Your social circle may shift. Surround yourself with supportive people.
♐ Sagittarius
Career changes or new opportunities may arise. Stay open to possibilities.
♑ Capricorn
Spiritual growth is highlighted. A great time for learning and self-discovery.
♒ Aquarius
Emotional and financial transformations are on the horizon. Trust the process.
♓ Pisces
Relationships take center stage. Be honest about your needs and boundaries.

✨ Tip: Use this eclipse to reflect on your goals and release limiting beliefs. Journaling and meditation can help you navigate this transformative energy.

March 29, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries: 

This New Moon eclipse in fiery Aries is all about bold beginnings and taking initiative. Aries inspires courage and action, making it a perfect time to start a new project or pursue personal goals. However, with Mercury retrograde in play, it’s important to double-check your plans and avoid impulsive decisions. Use this energy to build confidence and take calculated risks.

September 7, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: 

This Full Moon eclipse in intuitive Pisces heightens emotions and creativity. Pisces invites you to connect with your inner self, explore spirituality, and release illusions. Linked to the North Node, this eclipse may reveal your true purpose or guide you toward a more fulfilling path. Take time for meditation or journaling to process the insights this eclipse brings.

September 21, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo: 

This New Moon eclipse highlights themes of self-improvement, precision, and responsibility. Opposed by Saturn and Neptune, it calls for a balance between practicality and dreams. This is an excellent time to refine your strategies, set realistic goals, and focus on personal growth. Avoid overanalyzing and trust your ability to create a solid foundation for the future.

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How to harness the energy of Eclipses

Eclipses are powerful cosmic events that can bring about significant change and transformation. Here’s how to make the most of their energy:

  • Set intentions: Solar eclipses (New Moons) are ideal for planting seeds for new beginnings and manifesting your goals.
  • Release and reflect: Lunar eclipses (Full Moons) are the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you and gain clarity about your path.
  • Stay grounded: Eclipses can amplify emotions and create tension. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or grounding exercises to maintain balance.
  • Be open to change: Eclipses often bring unexpected shifts. Embrace these changes as opportunities for growth and transformation.

By aligning with the energy of these celestial events, you can use eclipses as catalysts for personal and spiritual growth. Let their transformative power guide you toward a brighter future!

Understanding Eclipses: Lunar and Solar

What is a Lunar Eclipse? 🌕

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the Earth’s shadow. This can only happen during a Full Moon, when the Earth is positioned directly between the Sun and the Moon. Lunar eclipses are known for their deep emotional and reflective energy, making them a time for releasing and letting go.

Lunar eclipse

Lunar Eclipse - Sun / Earth / Moon

What is a Solar Eclipse? ☀️

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, partially or completely blocking the Sun’s light. This can only occur during a New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned. Solar eclipses are associated with new beginnings and bold action, as they illuminate areas of life that need attention or change.

Solar eclipse

Solar Eclipse - Sun / Moon / Earth

Why do Eclipses happen?

The Moon’s orbit around Earth is elliptical and slightly tilted compared to Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Most of the time, the Moon passes above or below the Earth-Sun alignment. However, during specific New Moons or Full Moons, the Moon aligns perfectly with the Earth and Sun, creating an eclipse.

During a New Moon, the Moon blocks the Sun’s light, causing a solar eclipse. During a Full Moon, the Earth casts its shadow on the Moon, resulting in a lunar eclipse.

>>> Discover the influence of the planets

Don’t miss the Eclipses of 2025

The eclipses of 2025 offer opportunities for growth, insight, and transformation. Whether you’re setting intentions during a solar eclipse or reflecting during a lunar eclipse, these celestial events are powerful tools for aligning with your highest potential. Mark your calendar and prepare to harness their energy for a brighter, more purposeful future!

Susan Taylor’s insights: The importance of eclipses

There are two main types of eclipses:

❖ At Full Moon, which always occurs in two opposite zodiac signs*, the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. It casts its shadow on the Moon, which is eclipsed.

❖ At New Moon, the lunar disk covers the solar disk as seen from Earth. The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth; it is a Sun-Moon conjunction in the same sign of the zodiac. The Sun is eclipsed.

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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