Lunar And Solar Eclipses: There Are 4 To Observe In 2024

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Lunar and solar eclipses fascinate us, but where do they come from? And, how are they formed? Astrologer, Susan Taylor, reveals everything you need to know, plus she explains the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse and talks us through influence in astrology. 🔭 Discover the dates of the most important eclipses in 2024, here, and be sure not to miss out on them!

Lunar And Solar Eclipses: There Are 4 To Observe In 2024
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An eclipse is the apparent disappearance of a star A due to the interposition of another star B between the light source C and this star A. In astrology, we regularly talk about lunar and solar eclipses that we observe from Earth. We encounter at least 4 eclipses (2 solar and 2 lunar per year) but we can go up to 7 eclipses (solar and lunar combined) per year. The eclipse phenomenon occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are almost aligned!

What is a lunar eclipse? Here's the definition 🌕

A lunar eclipse forms whenever the Moon is in the Earth's shadow. So, if you were on the Moon at that time, you would not see the Sun at all because of the Earth. This pattern occurs only during Full Moon, when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun.

Lunar eclipse

Lunar Eclipse - Sun / Earth / Moon

What is a solar eclipse? Read the definition here ☀️

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is positioned in front of the Suncompletely or partially obscuring the image of the Sun from the Earth. This pattern can only occur during the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct ("next to each other"). Even though the Moon is much smaller than the Sun, it’s also much closer to the Earth. This means it can obscure the Sun because an object is always bigger when it is closer to us.  

Solar eclipse

Solar Eclipse - Sun / Moon / Earth

An eclipse can be total or partial:

  • When the light source is completely blocked by the eclipsing object, it is called a total eclipse.
  • If the star that eclipses the other one does not completely block its light, it is called a partial eclipse.

Partial eclipses can be distinguished as follows:

  • Simple partial eclipses (for the Sun and Moon): This event occurs when the stars aren’t perfectly aligned, so the eclipsed object is only partially eclipsed.
  • Annular eclipses (for the Sun): the annular eclipse is a particular case of partial eclipse where the three "objects" concerned are perfectly aligned. However, this occurs when the one that eclipses is too small (or the eclipsed object is too big!): there then remains a luminous ring still visible! In this case, the Moon cannot completely eclipse the Sun because it is not close enough to the Earth at the time of the eclipse.
  • Penumbra eclipses (for the Moon): we speak about penumbra eclipses when the Moon passes only in the cone of penumbra of the Earth (and not in the shadow).

Why do we have eclipses?

The Moon's orbit around the Earth is elliptical and inclined to the plane of the Earth's revolution around the Sun (the ecliptic). Most often, the Moon passes above or below the Earth-Sun axis. It sometimes occurs that the lunar star cuts this axis during a New Moon or a Full Moon.

In the first case, our satellite hides the sun from us, causing a solar eclipse; a total, annular or partial eclipse of the Sun. In the second, the Moon passes through the shadow of our planet and disappears momentarily, in whole or in part, creating a lunar eclipse.

What are the astrological effects?

Astrologically, a solar eclipse acts like a powerful New MoonWe therefore experience the notion and vibes of birth and new beginnings. Everything we do on that particular day will be important and will have a great impact on the future (sometimes up to 6 months afterward). So, if something positive is sown, you can hope that it will amplify in the following days and months... On the contrary, if you argue with someone on that day, there are significant risks that afterward, the relationship might not last... (All this is to be nuanced according to the aspects of the other planets in the sky on that date).

Astrologically, a lunar eclipse acts as a powerful Full MoonIt therefore acts as a revealing phase, meaning we soon become aware that either we feel good because we have sown good things previously, and we reap the fruits; or we feel bad and in crisis mode. If this happens, you must reposition yourself and adjust to the given situation.


Be careful, if you are nervous and anxious (which can often happen under the effect of a solar or lunar eclipse), try to channel your aggression and keep a minimum of composure. If not, you’ll only make irreparable mistakes.

The eclipses of 2024: The dates you need to look out for

Celestial phenomena are not only reserved for couples, and astrologers never cease to marvel at the impacts on our lives, including at work and with family and friends... 


PST time
In which sign?
Type of eclipse
April 8, 2024
11:52 PM
Total solar eclipse
October 2, 2024
03:02 AM
Annular solar eclipse
March 25, 2024
08:58 PM
Penumbral lunar eclipse
September 18, 2024
08:02 PM
Partial lunar eclipse

April 8 - New Moon in Aries (at 19 degrees) and a total solar eclipse.

On April 8, the New Moon in Aries and total Solar Eclipse are Conjunct Mercury retrograde and the North Node. It urges us to quickly assess and find solutions, shedding light on practical and financial aspects of our lives. It's a moment to target and address dysfunctions, take action to avoid falling into mistakes, delays, etc. Likewise, it's a time to embark on a new beginning with a solid foundation!

October 2 - New Moon in Libra (at 10 degrees) and an annular solar eclipse.

On October 2, the New Moon in Libra is also an annular Solar Eclipse. Linked to the Black Moon and the Mercury-Mars Square, it can highlight relational dysfunction and lead to confrontation. However, a New Moon allows for a fresh start. The eclipse can intensify emotions, bringing us out of ourselves, but for a good reason: it might provoke a necessary confrontation. It's a moment to address issues or accept a confrontation with someone seeking resolution, a time to rectify an injustice, etc.

March 25 - Full Moon in Libra (at 5 degrees) and a penumbral lunar eclipse.

On March 25, the Full Moon in Libra and penumbral Lunar Eclipse are linked to Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. It carries significant emotional power, increasing our clarity about relationships. Learning something new can open our eyes, potentially leading to disappointment in a relationship. If suspicions were already present, this Full Moon serves as confirmation. It's an opportune moment to reposition ourselves based on new information.

September 18 - Full Moon in Pisces (at 25 degrees) and a partial lunar eclipse.

On September 18, the Full Moon in Pisces is Conjunct Neptune and well-connected to Pluto and Uranus. This partial lunar eclipse enhances our feelings and intuition without overwhelming us with emotions. Uranus provides excellent reflexes to respond effectively to the signals and clues that guided us in the right direction. This Full Moon grants us exceptional insight, allowing us to decipher codes, solve mysteries, etc.

Susan Taylor’s insights: The importance of eclipses

There are two main types of eclipses:

❖ At Full Moon, which always occurs in two opposite zodiac signs*, the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. It casts its shadow on the Moon, which is eclipsed.

❖ At New Moon, the lunar disk covers the solar disk as seen from Earth. The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth; it is a Sun-Moon conjunction in the same sign of the zodiac. The Sun is eclipsed.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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🌙 Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Phase Readings

What are the benefits of understanding the moon phases? ▼

Understanding the moon phases can provide deep insights into your emotional world, how the lunar cycles affect your zodiac sign, and how to harness these energies for personal growth and success.

What can I expect during a moon phase reading? ▼

During a moon phase reading, the astrologer will analyze your birth chart in relation to the current and upcoming moon phases. You will gain insights into how these phases influence your emotions, behaviors, and life events.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with an astrologer and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a moon phase reading? ▼

To prepare for a moon phase reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or areas of life you want to explore during the reading.

How do moon phases influence my emotions and behaviors? ▼

The moon phases can significantly impact your emotions and behaviors. By understanding these influences, you can better navigate your emotional landscape and make informed decisions.

Can understanding moon phases help improve my relationships? ▼

Yes, understanding how moon phases affect you and your partner can improve communication and emotional connection, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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