How Do You Know A Guardian Angel Has Visited You? 10 Signs

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Having a Guardian Angel watch over us and protect us in the most difficult of times is very reassuring. Angels are real and choose to communicate with us when we are in need of guidance regarding our life path. The presence of higher powers in your life is a special spiritual gift that cannot be neglected. Discover the 10 signs your Guardian Angel has reached out and decided to visit you.

How Do You Know A Guardian Angel Has Visited You? 10 Signs
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Do you keep seeing the same times? These mirror hours could be carrying important messages for you. Our expert psychics can help you uncover their true meaning and provide the guidance you need.



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Believing in Guardian Angels is an important first step in opening your heart and soul to spiritual progression. Embark on a divine journey with us and find out what the signs youā€™ve been visited by your Guardian Angel are.

10 Signs to confirm a Guardian Angel has visited you

Knowing the spirits want to connect on a deeper level with you is a positive sign and will most likely lead you to fulfilling discoveries. Here are our 10 confirmation indicators.

1) Repeating number sequences

Do you constantly see the same number sequences over and over? If any particular digits stand out and ring a bell, know that the higher powers are trying to grab your attention. They require your attention to communicate their future plans for you. Their dream is to guide you forward and make you the best version of yourself.

- Discover the Angel numbers and mirror hours here in our guide. -

2) Seeing white feathers

Finding a white feather along your path is a strong sign of angelic presence. White feathers are reminders that you are loved, cared for and protected. Finding feathers in odd places acts as validation and a blessing from your protectors when you are feeling lost. Itā€™s a way for them to guide you to your destiny.

White feather

- Check out the types of feathers and their meanings here. -

3) Sweet odors

If you begin to notice sweet scents out of nowhere, know that you are accompanied by your Guardian Angel. If you remark lovely odors but canā€™t identify the origin, this is a strong sign. Delicious food, gorgeous flowers or even sweet perfume are techniques your spirit guides us to grab your attention.

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4) You dream of being visited

Dreaming of your Angel visiting you to communicate a message isnā€™t completely out of sorts. The higher powers want you to feel safe and supported, meaning they will often come to you at your most vulnerable moments. 


Their reassuring presence should act as some comfort to you, especially in times of need.

5) Noticing colorful orbs

Have you recently taken a photo and observed a bright light or colorful orb that wasnā€™t visible to the naked eye? Orbs are said to transport Guardian Angels to their destinations and help deliver a message of company.

- Get the answer to what is my Angel number here with our calculator -

6) Instant warmth

A rapid sensation of warmth and energy is a sign your Angels are surrounding you. Our protectors are very high energy creatures, which means their presence never goes unnoticed. Their inexplicable warmth will make you feel cozy and safe.

7) Babies and pets seeing things

As such innocent beings, babies, and pets often notice spiritual beings that adults miss. If you have seen your baby or pet staring and smiling at the ceiling, for example, the chances are your house has received a special visit.

8) Seeing Angels in clouds

Laying back and making shapes out of clouds may seem insignificant, however if you spot clouds in the form of Angels, know that these heavenly bodies are reaching out to you. Clouds

Even observing heart shaped clouds could be a sign that you are being called!

9) Hearing unfamiliar voices

Hearing soft whispers when you are least expecting them is also a sign youā€™ve been visited by your Guardian Angels. Having your Angels speak to you is a beautiful sign of their existence and guidance along your life path.

10) Angelic music

If you suddenly start hearing angelic type music on the radio, open your heart to the spiritual vibes. Sending messages through music is a common way for your protectors to get your attention and send their feelings.

- Learn how to carry out your own astral projection here, and check out angel tattoo inspiration -

Astrologist Susan Taylor

Astrologist Susan Taylor's insights:

'Welcoming your Angel into your life and communicating with them will open you up to a world of possibilities. Having their guidance is invaluable and will lead you to making better decisions!'

5 Signs that Angels are in your house

Believing in the presence of angels in your home is often a matter of spirituality and personal intuition. Here are some signs that could be interpreted as indications of the presence of angels in your home, according to certain beliefs:

  • 1) Twinkling lights: Unusually flickering lights, flashes of light, or unusual reflections could suggest the presence of angels.

  • 2) Moved objects: Objects that seem to be moved without obvious explanation could be perceived as angelic actions.

  • 3) Sensation of peace and comfort: If you feel an inexplicable sense of peace, comfort, or well-being in your home.

  • 4) Soothing energy: If you feel soothing energy or a sensation of warmth in certain parts of your home.

  • 5) Insight and inspirational thoughts: If you suddenly receive inspiring ideas, positive intuitions, or encouraging thoughts.

Why do Guardian Angels come to us?

According to these beliefs, a guardian angel is a celestial entity assigned to each individual to protect, guide and accompany them throughout their life. If you believe in the presence of a guardian angel, it could be said that this entity may visit you or send you signs for several reasons:

  • Protection and guidance: The guardian angel could intervene to protect you from danger or to guide you towards positive, beneficial choices in your life.

  • Emotional support: Moments of emotional difficulty or crisis could be accompanied by a comforting presence perceived as that of your guardian angel.

  • Spiritual alignment: Your guardian angel may remind you to stay connected to your spirituality and core values.

  • Confirmation: Visits from guardian angels may be perceived as confirmation that you're on the right track, or as validation of your decisions.

  • Manifestation: Some believe that guardian angels can help you manifest your intentions by sending you signs and synchronicities.

  • Support in important moments: Your guardian angel may be more present during major events in your life, such as moments of important decision-making, major changes, or transitions.

  • Loving presence: In moments of loneliness or distress, the idea of a guardian angel's presence can bring comfort by making you feel you're not alone.

What does it feel like when an angel touches you?

The angelic energy is so powerful that when our guides visit us, we can feel their albeit invisible presence on our bodies. Typically, when an angel touches us, we feel a calming sensation of warmth that will pierce through layers of etheric energy in order to manifest. Likewise, the presence of an angel may manifest as a slight tingling sensation on the surface of your skin. This is due to your vibration starting to increase when you are in the presence of an angel. Although this can be a little uncomfortable, it is a positive feeling.

I saw an angel in my room, what should I do?

If you meet an angel in a personal experience, it can be a meaningful spiritual experience for you. What you choose to do in this situation depends on your personal beliefs and life experience. Some people may choose to pray, meditate, or reflect on the meaning of their experience. Others may seek to talk about it with friends or members of their faith community for support and guidance. Whatever you choose to do, it is important to respect your own personal experience and not let the opinions or beliefs of others dictate how you should respond.

Warning signs from angels

One of the easiest ways for our guardian angels to communicate with us is through a dream. We are usually more open to spiritual messages when the human ego is asleep. Dreaming of an event before it happens - like a car accident or having a strong premonition that something "bad" is about to happen can be disturbing, even frightening. This is another common early warning sign of a guardian angel. Go "inside" and ask questions, seek clarification of your feelings, and then take action. The purpose of dreams and premonitions is to help you organize your thoughts and feelings, and then decide what to do.

Susan Taylorā€™s insights: The Universe speaks to us

The universe sends us messages regularly, but it is not always easy to decipher them or even to know how to spot them, as they are sometimes so discreet. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - Iā€™ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

How many times have you seen this mirror hour?

Have you ever wondered what it means? Why it happens so often?

What if the answer was right here šŸŒŸ

Throughout our lives, we go through periods that bring significant changes on a personal, emotional, or professional level. During these times, we are more sensitive to the vibrations of the Universe and more receptive to messages from our angels. If you see the same mirror hour repeatedly, itā€™s not a coincidence. It means your angel has an important message for you. However, understanding its meaning is not always easy. The simplest and most reliable way is often to use tools or consult professionals who can communicate with them.

Do you want to discover the message behind all these signs? Take a moment to ponder this question, and if you wish to explore further, discover our mirror hours box šŸ’«.

Why trust an Astrofame advisor to uncover the meaning of your mirror hours

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FAQ: Mirror Hour Readings

What are the benefits of understanding mirror hours? ā–¼

Understanding mirror hours can provide you with insights into recurring patterns in your life, spiritual messages, and guidance. It can help you make informed decisions, find clarity, and connect with your higher self or spiritual guides.

What can I expect during a mirror hour reading? ā–¼

During a mirror hour reading, the psychic will interpret the significance of the specific times you keep seeing, such as 02:02 or 09:09. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed to you.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ā–¼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a mirror hour reading? ā–¼

To prepare for a mirror hour reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or specific times you have noticed beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ā–¼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.

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