What Is A Clairvoyant? Susan Taylor Explains All About Their Gift

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The word Clairvoyant can be translated from French as ‘clear vision’. As the term suggests, people blessed with the powerful gift are able to receive telling and instinctive information in the form of visions. This rare ability allows Clairvoyants to gain information about a people, entities, and events in the past, present, and future. Learn more about this spiritual channel here and how it could change your life.

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Clairvoyance can be compared to a very deep intuition, but it’s often an innate gift that needs to be worked on regularly. When developed, this gift allows us to feel and see images or situations directly. People blessed with this gift can even discover information about a person without even knowing them.

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How was this gift regarded historically?

This talent has always been very present throughout the history of humanity. We find accounts of this natural talent being used in ancient China, Egypt and even in the biblical texts of the Old Testament. Although historically, Clairvoyants were rejected, today they are very much in demand.

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In the Middle Ages, it’s thought that people who possessed this intuitive talent were possessed by the devil, and consequently condemned and burned alive. Today, however, we find that many people turn to these gifted beings when they are feeling lost and confused at particular moments in their lives.

How does a Clairvoyant see things?

They dive deep into their intuition, by focusing on a proposal of renewal and observing problems from a more spiritual point of view. Their role is not simply predicting the future, they must also provide sound guidance so that the consultant can make more assertive decisions to solve their issues.

By merely predicting things, they would be interfering with the free will of the individual, and influence them in their important choices. Their real task is to better prepare the individual for their future. Preparing someone for the future requires the sensitivity to see beyond what is foreseen.

The next stage involves determining how each vision fits into each individual’s life. Their role also involves helping clients understand how to operate clearly and carefully, whilst being prepared for what's to come.


In short, each Clairvoyant has their own way of helping people and employing their energy. Although, the results they seek are always the same. They aim to solve a current problem or seek renewal of life.

How can a Clairvoyant help you?

Choosing to consult is often a big step for people, however after testing the experience, people unanimously agree that the encounter was beneficial. Here’s how it can help you.

  • It broadens your self-knowledge
  • It helps you approach your problems more positively
  • Connects you with the higher powers
  • Prepares you for all eventualities

Where can I find a reliable Clairvoyant?

Now that you know what a Clairvoyant is and what they do, it’s time to consult and turn your life around. Before making an appointment, you need to know exactly which question or area of your life you need an urgent answer to.

Armed with your question, you'll be able to pick an Astrofame Clairvoyant to help you find the answers to your question.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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