What Zodiac Signs Love Independence? - There Are 6 Of Them

Last updated by Madison Carter

While teamwork is often said to make the dream work, quite often it doesn’t work out that way, as members of the most independent zodiac signs will know too well. Some of us just find working and planning with others an unnecessary move, and believe that is does nothing other than slow us down. There are equally people who feel they need their own space to breathe and so prefer working and moving alone. Whatever the reason, many of us find solace in being autonomous and taking things solo. And the most independent and self-reliant zodiac sign is... (Drumroll please)

What Zodiac Signs Love Independence? - There Are 6 Of Them

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Putting your faith in other people is important in friendships and relationships, but one's trust is often misplaced. We're sure everyone can think of an example where they put trust in somebody else and were let down, instead of handling it themselves. However, independence is much more than a guard against disappointment, and often resonates with freedom and individual strength.

The most independent zodiac signs are... These 6 are self-reliant

To be autonomous means you’re able to cultivate your own ideas and often defend them in the face of popular opinion. It means that you’re able to live according to your own timetable rather than someone else’s. Going against the grain and being a lone wolf isn't easy for everyone. However, getting too caught up in this ‘me vs the world’ attitude may lead to trust issues. It’s for this reason that a couple of these signs are also some of the most commitment-phobic zodiac signs of the horoscope! Sound like you? 

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  • 1) Aquarius

    Aquarius is the most independent zodiac sign

    Both in action, but particularly in thought, Aquarius likes to separate themselves from the crowd, with progressive thought being one of the zodiac’s best qualities. While spending time with others is something they very much enjoy, Aquarius individuals often have a deep need for their own time and space.

Article presented by Madison Carter

Web editor for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been very interested in spirituality and the energies and higher forces that surround us. A few years ago, I decided to dedicate my life to this path.

Aquarius here,1/26. I totally agree. I was not surprised that my sign ranked #1, at all. Clingy, needy, people drive me nuts. The Scorpio I dated was over the top needy, and drama ridden. It didn't last long!

Daisie D 4 years ago

Not all Scorpios are needy lol, most of us value independence a lot too!! We don't like to be ignored a lot though, especially when we are explaining or trying to tell you something.

michelle 5 months ago

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