Which 5 Zodiac Signs Have Commitment Issues?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The early days of a romance are some of the most exciting and special. However, there comes a point in every relationship where you expect some sort of commitment from your partner, because after all, it is the key to a healthy relationship. Have you been dating your partner for a while now and still haven’t received any sign of devotion? Not an 'I love you' or 'I want to be with you forever'? If so, it’s likely related to astrology, as certain zodiac signs have commitment issues and have a hard time knowing whether they want to build a future.

Which 5 Zodiac Signs Have Commitment Issues?

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We all have a different approach to dating and relationships; some of us dive head first into love, whilst others take hesitant, baby steps before making any big moves or promises. If this rings true, their reluctance could be put down to a need for freedom, pure indecisiveness or just over-analysis. Whilst putting our eggs in one basket seems simple for some, it can be a total nightmare for others.

The 5 zodiac signs with the biggest commitment issues are...

Due to the variety and diversity of our personalities, each sign has their opinion on how a relationship should move forward. Do you like to let your partner know you’re in for the long haul early on, or do you prefer to wait it out until you’re sure? Discover which zodiac signs flee relationships here and why. Commitment may seem intimidating, but avoiding it will only through your romance into peril and make your partner doubt your feelings.

1. Aries hates opening up about their feelings

While the Aries personality is keen to get things going, in all aspects of life, they are not so good at seeing them through to the end. What that means, in terms of relationships, is that although they may sweep you off your feet at first, the atmosphere may quickly change when they feel under pressure to verbalize their devotion. If they get a hint that their freedom will be restricted, they will run. 

2. Gemini can't settle down

As an air sign, the Gemini personality appreciates their freedom, and often values it higher than a serious relationship. For them, early devotion is a big no-no and one of their biggest turn-offs. In addition to this need for freedom, their nervous and inconsistent natures mean that convincing a Gemini to commit is a real achievement.  

3. Sagittarius will never stick around

With their wit, happy-go-lucky attitude and unlimited optimism, a Sagittarius personality has all the qualities to charm you. However, they also have a deep need for both physical and emotional freedom, so they will simply leave if they think this need cannot be fulfilled in a relationship.  When things look ominous, a Sagittarius will look for an alternative route rather than resolve the issue at hand. 

4. Do Libras have commitment issues? - Yes, Libra refuses to be held down

You might not have thought that the Libra personality would make the list because of their hatred of being alone and their desire to find their other half. However, it is a Libra tendency to be very indecisive as they continually weigh up the pros and cons of every potential relationship, without ever coming to a definitive answer. Naturally, this means that Libra’s are very reluctant to give their all to a relationship unless they can see it lasting a lifetime

5. Virgo can never take the plunge

Renowned for their practical and analytic minds, the Virgo personality is tentative entering into relationships. While they are not as cold and distant as people may believe, they do take a while to open up to partners, let alone devote themselves to the relationship. With their close attention to small details, expect a Virgo to analyze each aspect of a relationship with the utmost scrutiny, to see where it could be better. 

Susan Taylor’s insights: Am I made for a relationship?

The desired commitment in an affective and social life of a couple is seen as a risk, a fear, and a personal danger. Affective encounters still exist of course, however, not all of the zodiac signs are cut out for this type of commitment. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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