Zodiac Signs: Dates + Personality Traits
Do you want to learn more about your personality and who you really are? Well, the good news is astrology can help you! Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a specific element, which in turn influences our temperament and attitude. Plus, a person's sign is inscribed in their birth chart and defined by the position of the Sun. The position of the planets and stars in someone's natal chart impact their qualities, flaws, and compatibility 🌌. Our Astrologist, Susan Taylor, is here to explain how your character and approach to life are affected by this art, so without further ado, let's discover her unmissable insights into whom you really are!
There seems to be truth in Astrology, many inputs support it.
D. A. Dispenza, 2 years ago
Astrology is very complex - and fascinating. I don't generally read horoscopes, because you are so much more than your sun sign - a look at one's natal chart, rising and lunar placements, planetary aspects at the time of your birth hold the key to your personality and what potentially lies in store for you - horoscopes are entertaining, but they trivialize astrology and that doesn't sit well with me.
Jonathan, a year ago