What is Channeling? Susan Taylor Explains Everything

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Do you want to know more about this art? If so, Susan Taylor is here about to share insights into this gift as well as reveal what it really means. Indeed, channeling is a very niche skill that involves communicating with the afterlife and sharing message between the two worlds. It is practiced in a modified state of consciousness, in order to best transit this meditative trance and spiritual journey.

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Channeling explained by Susan Taylor

1. What is channeling?

Channeling is a means of communication between what’s visible and what is not. It involves receiving messages that come from the other side of the “mirror.” We believe in the soul’s survival after the physical body has died. Spirits can send messages to the medium. These messages are things that “normal” people, or those without the medium abilities, can’t receive, so we mediums act as messengers of the discarnate.

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2. How does one discover this gift?

People often discover this talent by feeling things and hearing voices. It isn’t enough to just see images and have visions, you must understand what’s happening in order to describe specific events. 

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3. How do you start contact with the afterlife?

We can only make contact with the spirits if someone asks us sincerely, this isn’t something we can do on-command because it requires a lot of concentration and energy.

4. What do the spirits reveal?

In general, people think that spirits return to Earth to get revenge, or to say what they didn’t have time to say: this isn’t true. The spirit of someone deceased is far away from where we are. The spirit only comes to tell me something that has a direct relationship between the person who’s consulting and the only person who will understand what it means. When a spirit presents itself to us, it always manages to teach us about the client. 

5. Can you contact every type of spirit?

Yes, one can contact all kinds of spirits, but only through a medium. If you’re alone, you won’t be capable of contacting a spirit unless you have this gift yourself. Medium channels are proof that there’s life after death, and that a certain continuity exists, or there’s another form of existence out there.

6. What must people know about contacting spirits?

There’s nothing in particular that needs to be done besides being prepared to hear a lot of things. Listening to what the spirits have to say is the hardest part of the job. During a consultation, you should be open-minded and respectufl. What counts in the end is the sincerity in your heart.

7. Is contacting evil spirits dangerous?

If the medium isn’t “pure,” this can attract false spirits, or spirits that play jokes. It’s best that you choose your clairvoyant wisely for the most fulfilling channeling experience! It’s the vibratory frequency of the clairvoyant that attracts the spirits more or less “lighthearted.”

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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