07:07, your guardian angel congratulates you 🪽
This time is very rewarding for you. In fact, when you see this time over and over again on a clock, it’s your guardian angel’s way of congratulating you for the work you’ve carried out on yourself. When you’re more relaxed, you are aware of who you are and are more in tune with your inner self. You make, or have made, new life choices allowing you to help those around you. You can be proud of yourself.
The 07:07 mirror time is also the affirmation of the angels, they validate your choice, you have finally taken the right path in your life. They are always at your side, to help and protect you. When you hear a small voice that motivates you internally, listen to what it tells you without the slightest hesitation, they are your guardian angels.
The mirror hour 07:07 is directly related to the spirit and the inner life. It symbolizes faith, genius, psychology, and spirituality. This double hour promotes change, movement, and action. The essence of this numerical doubling is characterized by "love of life" in the broadest sense of the word. This series of numbers refers to intuition, discernment, and inner wisdom. At this time, you are asked to deepen your analytical skills and not be afraid of the unexpected. Success is imminent.
What is the spiritual message associated with 07:07?
Each mirror hour is associated with a guardian angel, and the one at 07:07 is Yeiayel. Yeiayel, known as "The Right Hand of God", is the angel of fortune, commerce and fame. He plays an essential role in satisfying our material as well as spiritual needs, offering abundance and spirituality along the way. Yeiayel's presence and the visualization of 07:07 are positive omens, heralding success in your current projects. This is excellent news for you.
One of this angel's missions is to guide us towards the divine light within, enabling us to blossom spiritually and realize our full potential. If you feel the need to refocus on yourself and discover your deepest essence, Yeiayel congratulates you and encourages you to develop your inner life. Whether it's through knowledge, new learning or a spiritual quest, he'll support you all the way.
So amazing God is really great!thanks Universe n mi guardian Angel Yeiayel for this encouraging msg at mirror hour 0707 am happy to understand was happening n was coming mi way also praying for balance abundance n prosperity to manifest in all 4 corners of mi life thanks Universe🤗👌🙏🙇
Masedi Pico, 5 months ago
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Susan Taylor