Horoscope compatibility is the most important factor in any relationship, and if two signs get together when they don't match, they can become dangerous for each other. Indeed, they'll wear each other down and do nothing but destroy each other's confidence. Your sun sign plays a powerful role in the way you get along with people, and the influences of the Moon and Venus can also be very powerful. The highest risk of a toxic relationship occurs when natives of signs that are found 3 places apart on the astrological wheel get together.
These zodiac signs are the most toxic when in a relationship together
Being happy and finding your perfect other half is essential to feeling good and fulfilled in love. This is obviously why we want to orientate you away from people who'll never be able to make you happy. Being caught up in drama isn't healthy for anyone, especially when your true matches are out there. Quit wasting your time on people who only bring you down. Indeed, dodging a toxic relationship doomed to fail due to the lack of complementarity can avoid significant heartache. So, discover the pairs of signs that make the worst couples!
What are the perfect zodiac couples?
Each astrological sign has its perfect partners! Before looking at the relationships between the astrological signs, it's a good idea to look at what's going on with the elements. Yes, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air are four major families that also have their preferences. Thus, Water extinguishes Fire and irrigates Earth, while Air inflames Fire. More concretely, this means that Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are more likely to get along with Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) with Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).
— Read your yearly horoscope and the 6 most toxic zodiacs for exclusive more astrology predictions. —
I’m an Aries and my first long term girlfriend was a Taurus. And that was probably my least toxic relationship of all my relationships. Infact it wasn’t toxic at all. We were actually pretty good together for the most part and was probably the most chilled relationship I have ever been in to this day. I had a terrible experience with a Leo though, never going near that again.
Anonymous, 4 years ago