What Does Libra Sun With Taurus Rising Mean?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Libra sun Taurus rising, you like to create a harmonious atmosphere, and your social relationships are often pleasant, even if they may be short-lived. You love to enjoy all the pleasures of life with those around you, and have no trouble putting others at ease. You have a talent for creating beautiful things or embellishing what already exists. Likewise, you need balance in your love life, so it may take you some time to settle down.

What Does Libra Sun With Taurus Rising Mean?
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Libra sun Taurus rising: A well-rounded personality

Libra sun Taurus rising, your Venusian nature naturally turns you towards the arts, the search for harmony, beauty, elegance and refinement. Depending on your upbringing, it's either all or nothing: you're likely to encounter blockages, and the notion of refinement can then turn into very unrefined tastes or attractions... However, you're always willing to learn about aesthetics.

You need a harmonious, serene atmosphere and human warmth to feel good about yourself. Conflict and tension have an impact on your mood. It's important for you to develop your artistic qualities, because it's in the field of the arts, show business or aesthetics that you'll realize the greatest projects and achieve the greatest success.

 >>> Discover the influence on the Taurus personality.

Libra sun Taurus rising in love and relationships

You are looking for balance and harmony. Even if you walk in seduction, you aspire above all to settle down and build. So, even if you can sometimes flit around, you always end up finding the right person with whom to develop reciprocal feelings 👫. When you have someone in mind, you need to take your time, just to feel confident. In a relationship, you are demonstrative, endearing, reassuring, considerate, soft, accomplice, plus you know how to listen to your partner, and you are of good advice.

You're a great seducer who leaves no one indifferent. Libra sun Taurus rising, you are a lover of sensations, you're an epicurean, voluptuous and gourmand, always on the lookout for pleasure and beauty. In love, you aspire to balance and stability, but you don't like to be alone, and you've probably had a number of liaisons before finding your soul mate. In a relationship, you're romantic, sensitive and demonstrative. You are very conciliatory and do your utmost to preserve harmony.

>>> Read about the Taurus compatibility here

What is Libra sun Taurus rising like with their family?

Open, communicative and charming, you're particularly gifted at making life pleasant for those around you, communicating your joie de vivre, and you're very good at smoothing out difficult situations 👪. Full of tact and delicacy, you nevertheless know how to be firm when necessary.

How about with money and finances?

Your astrological configuration makes things easier for you in areas requiring a sense of nuance, diplomacy and human relations. On the other hand, you're not at ease in competitive climates 💰You're naturally inclined to conciliation and fairness. Your emotional life will be important to your personal development, and will have an impact in all areas.

What are you like at work?

Libra sun Taurus rising, you are methodical, organized, thoughtful, and you know how to be very efficient in the execution of your daily tasks. Logical, rational, instinctive, and creative, you have a wide range of skills. You like to work in a calm and harmonious environment, which makes you avoid conflict and tension. You are an excellent collaborator and your work is often highly appreciated 🧑‍💼.

You're very good at taking advantage of every opportunity to earn a living, you're good at arousing curiosity, and you take advantage of it, but this also makes your finances unstable at times. Likewise, you manage your assets and investments by the power of your brain. Furthermore, you're a sociable opportunist, very adept at seizing opportunities.

⭐ Which celebrities are Libra sun Taurus rising? ⭐

Serena Williams
Avril Lavigne

In conclusion...

Here, we're dealing with an alliance that develops artistic talents. If a Libra native with Taurus ascendant is treated in a way they feel is unfair, they will stubbornly assert their independence. Likewise, they may then make choices under pressure, simply to prove that they're right.

💡 Are you unsure of your zodiac sign and your rising sign? Figure them out here.

Libra sun Taurus rising, a full on blend

What’s guaranteed in this interaction between Taurus and Libra is that you either love them or hate them, it’s never somewhere in between. As a hedonist, you live for life’s pleasures, all of them, especially love, and Cupid hears your call. Libra, your sociable side will be accentuated by your Taurus ascendant so that you shine, you’re an unparalleled orator with a knack for making conversation. People drink up what you say.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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