Midheaven In Astrology: The Definition And Its Role In A Birth Chart

Last updated by Susan Taylor

When observing a birth chart, one can distinguish, that in addition to the 12 Astrological Houses, there are two main axes, one vertical and the other horizontal. Now, the horizontal axis is that of the ascendant (left), the descendant (right) and the vertical is that of the middle of the sky (top) and the bottom of the sky (bottom). So, the question is what is the midheaven in astrology? And how can it be interpreted in a birth chart?

Midheaven In Astrology: The Definition And Its Role In A Birth Chart

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We have already talked about the rising sign which represents the "I" and the descendant which informs us about our relationships and friendships ("I + the other"). But then, what is what’s known as the midheaven? Technically and to make it simple, the point called midheaven is the point of intersection (at the top of the map) between the local meridian (the point where the Sun peaks at noon) and the ecliptic.

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How can you find the midheaven?


Concerning the midheaven / sky background: The sky background represents the middle of the origin, where we come from, our roots, our family. For example, a sky background in Taurus represents a reassuring and stable environment of origin. The midheaven (North of the sky map) represents what we tend towards, our general destiny, but especially our socials and professional destiny, our career, our ambitions, the fields of activity that suit us and what we can achieve in relation to our origins.

If, for example, your midheaven is in Scorpio, it can bring a destiny of challenges where we will always have to question ourselves in order to rebuild ourselves, to surpass ourselves, but where we will also be able to reach power. In the distribution of houses, the Midheaven occupies the tenth place (10th house). The 10th house, in the middle of the sky, is in analogy with the sign of Capricorn (earth sign). The sign in which the Midheaven is located and the aspects it has with the planets of the chart determine in part the social destiny of a person: their potential, weaknesses, needs, and desires. The influence of the Midheaven, therefore, differs according to the sign in which it is found, independently of a person's Sun sign or Ascendant.

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How can you analyze your midheaven sign?

We analyze the midheaven as a sign, then we look to see if there are planets within it. For example, if you have Mars joint to your midheaven, you will always be ready to fight for your achievements, you will be very active and even directive. Then, we look to see if this or these planets are in aspect with other planets. To continue the example above; if Mars in the middle of the sky is trine to Saturn, we will go far because not only will we fight for our ambitions, but at the same time, we will hold on for the long term, which is favorable to positions of responsibility. On the other hand, if Mars is square to Saturn, we will be quickly discouraged, we will always start something without finishing it, and we will give up at the first obstacle. It is also interesting to see which ruling planets of the zodiac signs in midheaven is located and what it does in the chart. If you have midheaven in Libra, then you have to look at how Venus is in the theme because it is the master planet of Libra. You have to see if it is well surrounded or not.

The Middle of Heaven is the cusp (the starting point) of the astrological house X, that of social success and professional destiny. So, if we have a midheaven at 10° from Aries, our astrological house X is in Aries. To learn more about the meaning, check out our article on astrological houses and look for your house X! You'll already have an idea of what your midheaven sign tells you. For the rest (planets or not in Middle of Heaven aspects, aspects, masters etc...) you should ask our astrologists for help to find out more...

Why not also read up on what does a birth chart do? 

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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