What Is The Biggest Dealbreaker For Each Zodiac Sign?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

For us, there is no truer saying than you have to kiss a few frogs before meeting your Prince Charming. Dating is complicated, so when you think of the person that you’d like to be with, you more than likely have all their qualities listed out in your heads as well as your own main relationship nonnegotiable, right? The question is, what would make you put a stop to your relationship? Discover each zodiac sign's relationship dealbreakers for a better understanding of your needs and limits.

What Is The Biggest Dealbreaker For Each Zodiac Sign?

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Dealbreakers are things that immediately put an end to any romantic connection and relationships. When they occur, you'll immediately cut contact and never want to speak to the person again. According to various surveys, bad hygiene, rudeness and poor manners are amongst the most common relationship killers. Astrology has a huge influence on what you find attractive and unattractive for that matter, so let's take a look at what would make you press pause on a budding romance.

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What does your zodiac sign consider to be a dealbreaker?

Have you ever looked at someone else’s relationship and thought,“I’d never stand for that”We are all different, and what’s a nonnegotiable point for some signs can be completely irrelevant to others. Our lists are often closely linked with how patient and forgiving we are, and therefore speak volumes about our characters. 

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  • Aries

    Being addicted to social media puts Aries off

    Everyone agrees that technology has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s true, we can’t escape it, but there are limits, right Aries? Dating someone who is constantly on their phone playing games, messaging or checking out social media really isn’t for you, Aries. You need someone much more attentive.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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