What Does It Mean To Be Capricorn Sun Virgo Rising?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Capricorn sun Virgo rising, you're discreet and even aloof with strangers, mistrust is mixed with shyness and, what's more, you like to observe your potential interlocutors. You don't like to be disturbed in your habits and prefer strenuous or meticulous activities to frivolous encounters or small talk. You are faithful in all your affections, but very undemonstrative, which can considerably frustrate your partner.

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Capricorn sun Virgo rising - A naïve personality

You're naturally inclined to balance and analyze events. But on the other hand, you have a tendency to ingenuity that can make you emotionally dependent and so compassionate that it's easy to take advantage of your protective nature 👪. You have a great facility for acting on a host of concrete details to bring about change in your life.

Attached to your habits and tranquility, there's no room for spontaneity or the unexpected in your life. Stern and cold, often withdrawn, you're not easy to talk to. However, you are unfailingly faithful and loyal to those around you, but even if your feelings are sincere, you find it very hard to express them and you are not demonstrative.

Capricorn sun Virgo rising in love and relationships

Capricorn sun Virgo rising, in love, you aspire to build a solid, stable home. You're very elitist when it comes to choosing your partner, and you don't make commitments lightly. You tend to let your head speak rather than your heart. In a relationship, you're sentimental and romantic, inclined to worry about the other person, and inclined to idealize ❤️. You're unfailingly attached to others and can be counted on in all circumstances.

>>> Read about the Virgo compatibility here

What is Capricorn sun Virgo rising like with their family?

In your home, everyone feels secure, serene, and discreet. Your role within the family is well-defined, the result of hard work, because you don't spare yourself. You're a somewhat cold, sometimes paternalistic parent, but reasonable in your demands and respectable in the efforts you make yourself.

How about with money and finances?

Serious, organized, precise, and efficient, you're an outstanding worker, constantly striving to improve your skills. With your highly developed sense of responsibility, you're made for positions of trust in the background, as you don't like to take center stage. Enduring effort, you have an impressive capacity for concentration 🧑‍💼. You see things through to the end with an eye for detail. You shine in all professions related to communication, writing, business, and commerce.

You manage your possessions and those of others as a good family man, with a great deal of honesty, but sometimes bouts of flippancy remind you of certain deadlines that you hasten to bring up to date. Likewise, you're too busy living to think long and hard about saving for a home, but if you come across a good deal, your enthusiasm, courage, and optimism usually enable you to make it happen.

⭐ Which celebrities are Capricorn sun Virgo rising? ⭐

Kate Middleton
Liam Hemsworth
Orlando Bloom

In conclusion…

You thrive on proving your abilities to yourself, and it's at work that you find the most tangible proof. Your analytical mind tends to question the value of what you do, which drives you to constant improvement.

While our zodiac signs are the most well-known parameter of astrology among the public, anyone that knows anything about astrology would testify that the ascendant sign is an equally important consideration for evaluating a personality. The ascendant is known to play a significant role in the development of character, along with having an influence on physical characteristics.

💡 Are you unsure of your zodiac sign and your rising sign? Figure them out here.

Capricorn sun Virgo rising; a rigid mix

Highly logical, you sometimes struggle to be spontaneous. Timid, reserved and introverted, you’re not the best at stepping out your comfort zone, with love not being your priority. Furthering your career is your idea of success, as you understand the assurances hard-work comes with. Your workaholic side is the root of your success, and it helps you regain confidence in yourself.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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