What Does It Mean To Be An Aries With A Virgo Rising?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

When the Virgo rising sign blends with the sign of Aries, an interesting combination is formed, bringing a balance between the fiery energy of Aries and the methodical rationality of Virgo. In love, this influence can translate into a thoughtful, pragmatic approach to relationships. Individuals with this ascendant may be more concerned with details and stability in their love lives, but they can sometimes be reluctant to let themselves be carried away by Aries' own impulsiveness.

What Does It Mean To Be An Aries With A Virgo Rising?
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Aries sun Virgo rising - A perfectionist personality

You can be very efficient and practical in pursuing your goals, solving problems, and managing situations. Skillful, meticulous, and organized, you're an obstinate and persevering worker, skilled in business. You have a deep need to serve a cause. It's when you feel invested in a mission that you give your best and develop your full potential.

Your strengths are your exceptional practical skills, your remarkable efficiency in rigorously managing situations, and your excellent commercial potential. You are torn between the desire to assert yourself and the desire to remain on the sidelines. Your desire for openness and adventure clashes with your aversion to the unexpected and your need to feel secure 👪. This duality gives rise to anxiety and nervousness.

Aries sun Virgo rising in love and relationships

Your emotional life may be complicated, as you combine critical thinking with a certain egocentricity, making you demanding and picky. To succeed in a relationship, you'll need to soften your stance and develop your diplomatic skills... In your love life, you mustn't focus your attention on unimportant details 👫.

>>> Read about the Virgo compatibility here

What is Aries sun Virgo rising like with their family?

Your desire for security means that you're very far-sighted when it comes to your family, who may find you very restrictive at times, as you're a bit afraid of everything. You're also very investigative with your loved ones, who don't always appreciate the "investigations" you carry out into their private lives. Your concern to protect your loved ones doesn't give you all the power.

How about with money and finances?

This combination makes you very efficient in the business world. You're very astute at finding money when you're short of it. When you invest, it's in a productive area or nothing! You're both enterprising and thoughtful, thrifty and far-sighted, for fear of running out 🧑‍💼. You tend to buy lots of little things. For you, material possessions are the security you need for your peace of mind.

⭐ Which celebrities are Aries sun Virgo rising? ⭐

Mariah Carey
Sarah Jessica Parker
Robert Downey Jr.

In conclusion…

The amalgam of Earth and Fire translates into earthquakes. You often force yourself to "smolder under the ashes", but with your temperament, you regularly explode with impatience or frustration.

While our zodiac signs are the most well-known parameter of astrology among the public, anyone that knows anything about astrology would testify that the ascendant sign is an equally important consideration for evaluating a personality. The ascendant is known to play a significant role in the development of character, along with having an influence on physical characteristics.

💡 Are you unsure of your zodiac sign and your rising sign? Figure them out here.

Aries sun Virgo rising; shy yet expressive

Aries people can be naturally timid and fearful, but luckily your Virgo ascendant helps you speak freely and come out of your shell. It helps you be more active, dynamic and spontaneous. Quick tempered, you have your moments of madness – you're capable of something self-criticism when the results don’t go your way. This need to improve helps you go straight to the top.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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