When disagreements between two people occur, there are a number of ways to go about resolving them. Now, the more insecure zodiac signs tend to back down and change their views, while the more assertive ones are often more likely to stick to their guns until the bitter end and categorically refuse to change their minds.
The 5 most stubborn zodiac signs, ranked
With that said, some zodiac sign personalities never give up easily, and we’ll be turning our attention to 5 of them. While their inflexible stances are symptomatic of their self-confidence, their extreme reluctance to concede their point of view means that they cross the line of stubbornness. This is a trait which ultimately prevents you from growth, as keeping an uncompromising mindset will prevent you from taking on board life advice that your zodiac sign needs to hear and only helps to perpetuate immature behavior.
Uh what’s the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th mist stubborn?
Demetra, 5 years ago
Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo
Yui, 4 years ago