What Does It Mean To Be A Virgo Sun With Capricorn Rising?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Virgo sun Capricorn rising, in all areas of life, you build with rigor and method, based on sensible and lasting plans. You are sometimes judged by other people as austere or ambitious because you remain very reserved, even to the point of being secretive. However, your affections are deep, and your loyalty is total.

What Does It Mean To Be A Virgo Sun With Capricorn Rising?
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Virgo sun Capricorn rising - A methodical personality

Virgo sun Capricorn rising, to put things frankly, reason, reflection, and analysis dominate all your endeavors; you leave nothing to chance, sometimes risking getting too attached to details. But your precision harmoniously combines with your way of synthesizing, so you don't drown in trivialities. Your logic and rigor prevent many troubles but make it challenging to understand your own feelings and emotions. Their subjectivity requires a certain letting go to fully experience your loves.

You naturally tend to adopt a reasonable point of view on everything. It is rare that you let yourself be carried away by emotions; your reflections guide you, allowing you not to lose touch with reality. Realistic, pragmatic, and full of common sense, in all areas of your life, you want to take the time to build solid, lasting foundations, but your lack of spontaneity and fantasy isolates you a bit from your surroundings 🏋️‍♀️.

Virgo sun Capricorn rising in love and relationships

In love, you take your time before settling down, but once committed, it's for life. Whether in love or friendship, your attachments are enduring; you are faithful and loyal but not very demonstrative. You exert strong control over your feelings and emotions because you are aware that they can make you vulnerable. Your relationships are made of sweetness and understanding, marked by affection, but you protect yourself for a long time before truly opening up. You need a benevolent partner.👫 

Virgo sun Capricorn rising, as a double earth sign, you often settle down very late. Demanding, straightforward and cerebral, love is not your main concern, and you prefer to think about your career. In a relationship, your partner can count on you because you prove to be solid and reliable. You need to protect your other half, and you know how to be very attentive. Although you do not reveal yourself at first, you have a great sensitivity that you hide behind your shell. Commitment is something serious for you and when you formalize your union, it is for life.

>>> Read about the Capricorn compatibility here

What is Virgo sun Capricorn rising like with their family?

At home, you are energetic, optimistic, and enterprising. You are stubborn but not resentful, and you do not let daily obligations pile up in a corner. You are not very orderly, but your home seems more lively than many others. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 You are always ready to help your loved ones in activities that require significant physical efforts. But you can be selfish, not always easy to live with, and rarely attentive to what others may feel. Your family might hold this against you.

How about with money and finances?

Ambitious, endowed with a calculating mind and a will to build, you have unwavering patience to achieve the goals you set for yourself and an enormous work capacity that commands admiration. 🧑‍💼 You are discreet, efficient, with precise movements. In your professional life, you are consistent, and you value above all the satisfaction of a job well done. Your courage propels you toward a beautiful career, often formal because you are not eccentric! Square, determined, enduring, methodical, you give yourself entirely to your work and fully assume your responsibilities.

What are they like at work?

Virgo sun Capricorn rising, your methods for making money are original; you are an opportunist, and your investments sometimes seem perplexing. You manage your heritage freely; you tolerate no interference in this area. You use your finances to free yourself from any constraints. As an associate, you are more influential; you become unhappy in an environment that does not suit you.

⭐ Which celebrities are Virgo sun Capricorn rising? ⭐

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
Sean Connery
Kobe Bryant

In conclusion…

You do not fear solitude; it allows you to reflect on the meaning you want to give to your life and to structure your projects effectively, leaving no room for the unexpected. You often lack warmth, but that does not prevent you from being admired by a good part of your surroundings. To get to know you, one must know what to say because you are not very talkative, but once the relationship is established, you are simple, loyal, and attentive.

While our zodiac signs are the most well-known parameter of astrology among the public, anyone that knows anything about astrology would testify that the ascendant sign is an equally important consideration for evaluating a personality. The ascendant is known to play a significant role in the development of character, along with having an influence on physical characteristics.

💡 Are you unsure of your zodiac sign and your rising sign? Figure them out here.

Virgo sun Capricorn rising; a sensible mixture

Now you are very down-to-earth person. Realistic and through, you need to analyze and master everything you do, even if sometimes that comes at the cost of spontaneity. Luckily, your Capricorn rising sign is all the same capable of moments of madness from time to time. It is this more relaxed aspect of your personality that always allows you to stay in good company and makes your relationships more passionate than they would be. Of course, you’re equally capable of backing off, too.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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