Which Zodiac Sign Is The Biggest Heartbreaker?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Relationships are never plain sailing, for the most part, and can become even more difficult to navigate when you and the person you are dating doesn't exactly seem serious about your future. When it comes to love, being on the same page as your partner is an essential element for your story's success, however, it's certainly a tough feat to be on the same wavelength as a natural heartbreaker. Here are the 5 zodiac signs who, inadvertently (or not), are the most likely to crush your feelings.

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Biggest Heartbreaker?

We've all fallen for a natural heartbreaker in our time, and are obviously aware of the devastating consequences that developing feelings for this kind of rouge has. However, resisting their charm and natural aura is easier said than done, because these 5 zodiac signs in particular have the gift of the gab to get us to fall for their spells. Now, for certain personalities, getting people to fall for them when they know that they can't promise a future, is a game, whereas, for others, they are simply just scared of commitment.

>>> Discover; Which zodiac sign gets hurt the most in love?

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The 5 biggest heartbreakers of the zodiac sign

Click on the right-hand arrow to find out who these signs are.

  • 1) Scorpio

    Scorpio is the biggest heartbreaker

    With their undeniable charm, good looks, and smooth-talking attitude, this water sign definitely has what it takes to break hearts. The truth is, Scorpio has no trouble seducing people and winning them over, however, these natives aren't always in things for the long haul and often have their heads turned when they meet someone they deem better. After all, this isn't a very faithful zodiac sign and can be very fickle when it comes to dating.

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Article presented by
Susan, Taylor

"Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions."


Your description of a leo really got to me.

Faith Munai, a year ago


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