How To Make A Fortune Teller: Start Predicting Your Future

Last updated by Susan Taylor

We’d all like to know what’s just around the corner and what’s in store for our futures. The good news is that now we can find out, although we have to take a trip down nostalgia lane right back to our childhoods to do so. Awakening your connection with your fate is easy once you know how to make a fortune teller from paper. If you want answers to your yes or no questions and even help with decisions, then this is for you. Follow our step by step guide to get started.

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Whether you’re looking for a crafty project to help keep the kids entertained or you simply want to reveal what lies ahead, making your own fortune-teller is perfect either way. We’re currently living in uncertain times due to the Coronavirus outbreak, which is why we need activities not just to distract us, but also reassure us. 

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Step-by-step guide to making a fortune teller:

Step 1: Folding correctly

FoldingTo start off, take a square piece of A4 paper. If you have a rectangular sheet, fold the sheet diagonally to form a square as shown above.

Step 2: Cutting the folded area

Cutting your fortune tellerCut the excess strips from the square.

Step 3: Fold along the diagonals

Folding down the diagonal sidesThe square will then have to be folded twice diagonally before being laid flat again.

Step 4: Fold down the corners

Now the cornersTake each end and fold them over towards the middle. The middle has been marked in the previous step by folding.

Step 5: Flip it

Turned over

Take your fortune teller and turn it over so that what you have just done is face down against the table.

Step 6: Fold down again

Folded once againFold all four corners towards the center again. (Repeat step 4)

Step 7: Soften it up

Fortune teller

To soften the fortune teller and make it easier to open, fold the square in half and then in four. Then run your fingers along the edges to open the fortune teller by lifting the wings.

Step 8: Decorate it and play


Make a colored mark on each section and lift the tab to write a phrase or question with yes/no answers and start playing!

How to use your paper fortune teller:

Take into account these 4 steps to reveal what awaits and make the best decisions.

  1. Now that you’ve made your predictions game, it’s time to ask someone a question. If you have made one with random sentences, the person can start the game by choosing one of the words written on the outside.
  2. Once the person has asked their question out loud (or silently), have them choose one of the colors and open and close the fortune teller with their hands, once for each letter of the chosen color.
  3. For example: "B, L, U, E," you open it one way and then the other way four times, which corresponds to the number of letters in the word "blue."
  4. Have the person choose one of the numbers visible on the inside and open and close your creation as many times. You can get your player to choose a number again and continue as long as you like. Ask the person to choose one last number and open the corresponding tab. That's the answer to the question!

What type of questions can I ask the fortune teller?

You can ask your creation anything that you need help making a decision with; from a vacation destination, the color dress you ought to wear or even what you should have for dinner. Be as creative as possible with your questions because remember, the most important thing is to have fun!

>>> Creating an entertaining game like this to get a glimpse of our destiny can be a fun way to explore our future and will strengthen your insights alongside your free tarot reading and why not play our fortune teller ball game and get the answers about your love life!

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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