Haamiah, The Guardian Angel Symbolizing Truth And Authenticity

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If you were born between September 29 and October 3, your guardian angel is Haamiah, meaning "God the hope of all creatures on earth" 😇. Under the sign of Libra, this female angel is related to veracity and truth. She helps her natives to be honest in the different situations of life and to keep their own authenticity. Haamiah natives develop an indulgence, sincerity and sociability of their own. They like to be in harmony with their loved ones and have a charm of their own and develop a pronounced power of seduction. Discover the qualities of this spirit guide and how to communicate with her.

Haamiah, The Guardian Angel Symbolizing Truth And Authenticity
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Haamiah Guardian Angel: An introduction to her 😇

Haamiah helps you to appreciate things for what they are. She helps you to acquire a routine with rituals and guides you in the preparation of rites and ceremonies. Indeed, this angel is associated with all that is true, authenticity, honesty and frankness. Haamiah's angelic presence is often associated with a golden light, radiating a warmth and energy that can both comfort and revitalize the soul. This light symbolizes the purity of the truth she represents, as well as the ancient wisdom he holds. As a guardian of truth, Haamiah is endowed with penetrating vision that sees beyond appearances and illusions. She can discern reality from false truths, making her particularly valuable to those mired in complex situations.

Haamiah is also a warrior angel, armed with a sword of justice. This sword is not only a weapon, but also an instrument of discernment, capable of severing the bonds of deception and bringing precious clarity. Haamiah's warrior energy is that which fights injustice, defends the oppressed and protects the innocent. Her courage and determination are qualities that those who invoke her can seek to embrace in their own lives.

Discover all angel protector Haamiah's attributes

Virtues and powers:Money, Development, Intelligence, Life Mission, Work
Angelic choir:Chamuel
Hierarchical Color:Red
Blue and Red
Aquamarine, Beryl, Coral, Carnelian, Emerald, Jasper, Malachite, Opal
Mars and Venus

* The sefirots are the ten creative powers of the Kabbale. They present themselves in the form of the tree of Kabbalah, where each Sefirot is an emanation of the energy of God the Creator.


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Haamiah's inspiring message for her protégés

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 Discover the message 🌟 

"Trust in the journey of life and surrender to the flow of the universe, knowing that you are always supported and guided. Let go of the need to control every outcome, and instead, trust in the wisdom of the universe to unfold your path with grace and ease. Remember that you are a beloved child of the universe, and that you are always held in the loving embrace of divine guidance" 💫.

So, how does this message resonate with you? Take a moment to ponder this question, and if you'd like to explore further talk to a spiritual guide 💫.

The qualities guardian angel Haamiah blesses people born between September 8 - October 3 with

Haamiah is a female angel, symbolizing ritual and truth. She helps combat lying and deceit. Her followers may also be very honest and truthful. People born under Haamiah’s protection are sociable and very sincere, they value their relationships and do all that is necessary to make them successful. Remember that Haamiah is associated with the planet Mars and the ability to control the energy that circulates in the body. With your constant search for the truth, you have a good understanding of diplomacy and gratitude. She gives you the strength to detach yourself from your violence to find the right balance. Whether they are internal or external, this violence must be evacuated so that you feel calmer and more at peace.

Haamiah natives develop an indulgence, sincerity and sociability of their own. They like to be in harmony with their loved ones and have a charm of their own. Furthermore, they develop a pronounced power of seduction, which will prevent them from falling into too destructive passions.

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Haamiah's pentacle

Haamiah's pentacle

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Why contact Haamiah; your guardian angel?

You can summon Haamiah if you want to find your soul mate. She grows your self-confidence and perseverance, as well as helps you combat discouragement. She makes sure you are well-prepared for religious worship and daily life. The guardian angel Haamiah evacuates egoism and impatience, for more listening. She gives the keys to take care of others through the realization of your intentions.

By developing our power of seduction, the angel Haamiah is the angel of beautiful sentimental meetings. She helps us to show ourselves as we really are and to let our true self shine through... This is how we are able to attract the right partner: a person who shares our values and who will love us for who we are and not only for our appearance.

If you are dealing with a heartache, if you are spending long nights without sleep, if tears are running down your cheeks, ask the angel Haamiah to help you and to heal your heart chakra... In a few days, you will find the strength to move forward, you will learn from this relationship, and you will feel as if you are free from this bond of attachment to the past!


You can summon Haamiah for everything to do with relationships; she will help open up your heart and live a more peaceful life.

What you can ask angel Haamiah

If you want to get rid of spells or black magic, ask Haamiah, and he will free you from bad vibes, but also from demonic spirits that hold you captive. With his shared friendliness, the guardian angel Haamiah knows how to answer many requests regarding relationships with others. To help you with the organization of a ceremony or a party you can also call on him, and he will give you his energy for a festive preparation, with an event that respects beliefs and traditions. Lastly, if you feel the need to bring your family or friends together, ask for him to help you get everyone together.

How to call Haamiah

Haamiah’s days and regency hours are 14th February, 28th April, 12th July, 24th September and 5th December between 12:20 and 12:40.

To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with nutmeg and sandalwood incense:

Prayer for Haamiah

Angel Haamiah, make my body an important place for abundance.

Allow me to exorcise all demons.

Get me ready to experience a great and beautiful love story,

And to welcome my soul mate.

I agree to experience daily life

But to also go beyond this every day.

Let me understand the rituals

Through which I can welcome material and celestial goods,

To serve you and serve sacredness.


Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.

* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:  https://www.amazon.com/Angel-Numbers-101-Meaning-Sequences/dp/1401920012

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Guardian Angel Readings

What are the benefits of connecting with my guardian angel? ▼

Connecting with your guardian angel can provide you with guidance, protection, and a sense of peace. They can help you navigate life's challenges and offer insights into your spiritual journey.

What can I expect during a guardian angel reading? ▼

During a guardian angel reading, the psychic will connect with your guardian angel to convey messages and guidance. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a guardian angel reading? ▼

To prepare for a guardian angel reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.

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