Seeing the 04:40 reversed mirror hour will help encourage you to reorganize certain parts of your life.
The answer to a question, a warning, a piece of advice, approval… there are numerous meanings hiding behind mirror hours. Discover the hidden meaning of mirror hour 04:40!
04:40 Reversed mirror hour, meaning: Find balance
Your guardian angel is trying to pass on a message to you… but what could it be? If you see this time regularly, your spirit guides are trying to inform you that you have a special gift; that of having premonitions. In love, family, friends, or any other form of relationship, it guarantees you a harmonious atmosphere. It also brings you a spirit filled with tenderness and knowledge. In case you are in a relationship, know that you are protected from all negative waves. Indeed, your union is based on trust and true love.
Through the reversed mirror hour 04h40, your angel tells you to beware of your bad energies, instead, you must use your strengths and values wisely. Your angel invites you to take a step back from your situation, in order to act with accuracy and integrity. Beware of your current state of mind and refocus on your heart's truth. Know how to regain the trust of someone you may have hurt by unusual behavior. Reconcile yourself with your inner peace and let go of any sense of superiority. You must remain humble and true to your principles.
04:40 symbolizes:
- Betrayal
- Pessimism
- Authority
- Inflexibility
According to specialists, this mirror hour means you should take a step back and reflect on your life, open up your mind and take care of your family. In fact, your angel doesn’t approve of the life choices and decisions you’re making at the moment. If you want your angel to be by your side again, get back on the right path.

“ At 04:40 bad energy is felt: You have betrayed someone, your guardian angel is looking at you... ”
I need a reading
Mase, 2 days ago
Hello Mase, I'm available for a reading whenever you need me. You can find me here if you wish to connect with me: Take care, Blessings, Madison ⭐✨
Madison Carter