Are you finding it tough to concentrate on other things with the questions about your crush swirling around your head? Should you make the first move or will he realize he has feelings for you beforehand? Everything seemed to go well on your date, but you are still wondering will he call me and does he have feelings for me.
Are you replaying your date over and over looking for a sign that could reveal his feelings for you? Reading someone’s feelings and gauging what they think about you is definitely a very difficult task, but that’s where our Astrofame Psychic love and relationship experts come in.
It’s time for you to get to the bottom of your love interest’s feelings for you by consulting a Psychic love expert. By contacting an expert, you’ll finally get to the bottom of does he have feelings for me and will even find out when he will call you for a second date. Once you have contacted a Psychic, you can definitely look forward to many more dates with your crush.