Which Zodiac Signs Complain Most? - Here Are The 6 Biggest Whiners

Last updated by Susan Taylor

We’re all guilty of complaining about things from time to time, however, 6 zodiac signs take whining to the next level, and literally have no limits when it comes to grumbling. Now, we’re not saying that the signs who aren’t mentioned in this ranking have the patience of a saint, however, for them, moaning is a last resort, and they prefer to look for solutions to their problems beforehand. Do you feature in our list, if so, it might be time to change your attitude a little, don’t you think?

Which Zodiac Signs Complain Most? - Here Are The 6 Biggest Whiners

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‘I’m cold’, ‘I’m too hot’, ‘I’m hungry’, ‘I’m tired’, you’ve no doubt already got the idea, but yes, the list of innocent or depending on your point of view, not so innocent complaints goes on and on for some people. In fact, certain zodiac signs can’t go 10 minutes without whining about something. Here’s an idea, if you know anyone who makes our ranking, it might be time to introduce a complaints jar, where whenever they whine, they receive a little fine. Perhaps that’s the solution to making them positive!

>>> Read; Who are the most boring zodiac signs?

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The 6 zodiac signs that complain the most are...

Click on the right-hand arrow below, to find out who these signs are.

  • 1) Capricorn

    Capricorn is the world's biggest moaner

    Capricorn natives are many things, they are smart, organized, logical, and determined, but that's enough with the compliments because it's about time we faced reality, and that reality is that these people are huge whiners. Behind their composed personality lies a great sense of dissatisfaction, which means they are never happy, and always find something to grumble about. No matter how good something seems, this sign will always find something wrong and definitely won't keep their criticisms to themselves...

    >>> Read;The 6 most narcissistic zodiac signs, ranked

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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