Aries Sun Aquarius Rising: A Double Dose Of Dynamite

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Aries sun Aquarius rising, you are known for being very independent, however, your jealousy often cultivates your freedom. You live intensely, and you have a hard time putting up with authority, the constraints, and routine. As a true rebel, you live your life for yourself and don’t seem to worry about other people’s opinions. You are always looking to broaden your horizons, you are interested in many subjects, and you sometimes tend to spread yourself too thin.

Aries Sun Aquarius Rising: A Double Dose Of Dynamite
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Aries sun Aquarius rising: Twice as free and ready for anything

You are constantly on the lookout for novelty and to flee from habits that you consider sclerotic. Freedom is your only watchword and your ascendant endows you with unparalleled sociability which pushes you to multiply meetings according to the events, you love to debate about all the subjects. You are a spontaneous and enthusiastic personality that makes you feel good, a fresh wind blows everywhere you go. The combination of the bubbling Aquarius and the passionate Aries offers you an energy and a dynamism that is second to none. You often even tire your loved ones 😩 but boredom has no place in your existence! As soon as a routine sets in, you work hard to break the monotony. You love to laugh heartily and to be surrounded and share good times.

You’ll do anything to maintain your independence and autonomy, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. Indeed, you are attracted to innovative concepts and unusual relationships, while always maintaining a certain distance from others. You often live at 100 miles per hour and in order to distinguish yourself, to express your individuality, you often choose to focus on developing several special talents.

Aries sun Aquarius rising woman: Her personality 👩

A person with Sun in Aries and rising in Aquarius is likely to be a confident and independent individual with a unique perspective on life. They are known for their energetic and spontaneous nature, but also their strong desire for freedom and independence. Their Aquarius Ascendant gives them a more unconventional and innovative approach to life and a strong humanitarian streak. They are likely to be drawn to unconventional and progressive ideas and movements. This combination can create a charismatic and progressive personality, who can also be somewhat unpredictable and non-conforming.

Aries sun Aquarius rising man: His personality 👨

You have a creative character, you are an energetic, enterprising, and dynamic person. You see life with optimism, and you like to take risks. Likewise, you are impatient and have a tendency to rush through things. You are prone to mood swings, and you change your mind quickly, your loved ones sometimes find it difficult to understand you. It is necessary for Aries ascendant Aquarius people to have space and few constraints so that they can express their creativity at best. You are able to adapt to any situation without it being a source of stress for you.

- If you're unsure of your combination, check out; what is my rising sign? and, what is my zodiac sign? -

🤩 Celebrities with Aries sun Aquarius rising;
- Shakira 

- Russell Crowe

Aries sun Aquarius rising in love: Seductive moves

Without surprise, we find in your love life, your passionate and free personality. You follow stories and passions to find the right one for you, but it is not easy 👓. Your romances are often complicated, as passion tends to make things more complex. You're not really into commitment, you don't want a ball and chain. Once you've found the right person for you, you form a joyful couple that escapes routine by all means. You multiply the surprises, the small attentions to surprise the other and it works! You get very involved in your relationship ❤️🔥.

Aries sun Aquarius rising at work: You need to be challenged

You are dynamic and determined in your activities, with you, it must be moving, moving forward, otherwise, you get terribly bored. You are known for your efficiency and your productivity, which makes you a very appreciated person. However, your slower, more sedate colleagues will have trouble with your way of doing things, which pushes them around too much. Be open-minded and accept everyone's differences. Your quick mind allows you to adapt and always find a solution, even in the worst situations. You are a go-getter, although a bit of a hothead at times...🧯 This can moreover earn you a few remarks from your hierarchy, who don't always appreciate your freedom and boldness. Better to find an activity in which your qualities will be recognized rather than bullied.

What are some of your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Your enthusiasm and your joy of living are undoubtedly what one notices at first with you. This does not prevent you from being appreciated for these beautiful qualities:

Here is a list of your brightest qualities;

  • Enthusiasm
  • The joy of living
  • The dynamism
  • Loyalty (especially in friendship)
  • Spontaneity
  • Sociability
  • Determination
  • Creativity
  • Independence

And a few of your weak points

  • Frankness
  • The whims
  • Intolerance to constraints
  • Instability
  • The inability to be alone

In conclusion...

You jealously guard your independence and autonomy, which doesn't stop you from being very attractive. You're drawn to innovative concepts and unusual relationships, while always maintaining a certain distance from others. Likewise, you often live life at 100 km/h, with the aim of distinguishing yourself, expressing your individuality and developing your very special talents... It's by putting yourself at the service of the common good, fighting for a cause, defending the oppressed that you give your best. Avant-garde, visionary, innovative, you're resolutely focused on the future, on the evolution of humanity, and you defend your ideas with passion.

How the Aquarius ascendant influences Aries

The Aquarius rising influences the Aries Sun by adding a more unconventional and progressive edge to its natural bold and impulsive nature. Aries is a fire sign that represents initiative, courage, and assertiveness, but the Aquarius rising adds an airy, intellectual, and forward-thinking quality to their personality. As a result, this individual is likely to approach life in a unique and innovative way, seeking new experiences and ideas that challenge the status quo. They may be less likely to conform to traditional norms and values and more likely to carve their own path and push boundaries. Additionally, the humanitarian streak of Aquarius may also influence the Aries to channel their energy and assertiveness towards causes they believe in and fight for the rights of others.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Thank you this was a beautiful explanation. It's very correct as well I'm too much for a lot of people!!! Double Dynamite is correct!!! It's hard for them to keep up. I do always see myself as going millions of miles per hour and waiting for everyone to catch up and I get tired of teaching people things I feel are basic common sense and things they should know

Ivana 6 months ago

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