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Deborah Naccache
Deborah Naccache

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Psychic Kitt

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Psychic Belinda

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Version du 23 novembre 2021

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Amanda's psychic experience on Astrofame

✨ Our astrological tools to better understand ourselves

Zodiac Signs: Dates + Personality Traits

Do you want to learn more about your personality and who you really are? Well, the good news is astrology can help you! Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a specific element, which in turn influences our temperament and attitude. Plus, a person's sign is inscribed in their birth chart and defined by the position of the Sun. The position of the planets and stars in someone's natal chart impact their qualities, flaws, and compatibility 🌌. Our Astrologist, Susan Taylor, is here to explain how your character and approach to life are affected by this art, so without further ado, let's discover her unmissable insights into whom you really are!

Moon Sign Calculator - Use Our Lunar Tool To Figure Yours Out

Did you know that in addition to having a zodiac and rising sign, you also have a moon or lunar sign? 🌙 Only astrology enthusiasts tend to know this important component, which is why we’re here to enhance your knowledge on your personality. The position of the Moon on the day you were born and the zodiac constellation it was traveling through does indeed say a lot about your character and in particular our emotions; and this is even more so the case for women. Our Astrologer, Susan Taylor, unveils the secrets of this influential astrological factor and shares with you her Moon sign calculator.

What Is My Rising Sign? - Figure It Out With Our Free Calculator!

Your rising sign, also known as your ascendant, is an essential point of your natal chart. In astrology, it reveals information about the way you behave, plus, it also evokes vital insights on your attitude towards other people, and it even influences how other folks view you. By entering your time, place, and date of birth into our 100% free and accurate rising sign calculator, you'll have all the elements necessary to discover your ascendant sign. Plus, here you'll learn how this astrological component blends with your zodiac sign, and gain more insights into how it impacts your life!

The True Meaning Of Each Astrology House Revealed

Have you ever heard of the term; astrological houses? Indeed, the zodiac is in fact divided into twelve houses and each one corresponds to a sphere of your life, including money, work, love and family relationships. These are each calculated from your birth time and place, meaning they play a very important role in understanding your personality and your future. We reveal what each house means, implicates, and how they impact you!

The Planets and Astrology: Everything You Need to Know

Astrology is the art of studying our solar system and understanding how its astral bodies affect us and our personalities. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us everything we need to know about the planets and how they influence us. Come the end and there won't be a secret about the universe that you don't know, and you may even be able to better interpret your birth chart thanks to our insights.

Free Zodiac Compatibility Test: Who Is Your Love Best Match?

Our compatibility test will reveal whether you and your partner are made for each other, or whether you should break up right away! Our free zodiac love compatibility test is a great way to discover who your best match is in love ❤️. Are you and your partner, or crush, compatible? Test your potential for romance here and learn about your chances with your dream soulmate.