2024 Retrograde Dates And The Effects To Watch Out For

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If you’ve ever delved into the world of astrology, then you'll know that the term retrograde describes a backward planetary motion that has a reputation for turning things upside down. This trajectory can do either of two things; it can make everything fall into place or, in the worst-case scenario, it can make everything fall apart 🪐. With its influences being so different, it's crucial to know that dates of when each planet is in its retrograde phase in 2024. Susan Taylor, tells us how this phenomenon impacts your life, gives you the important dates, and reveals her tips to get through the ordeal.

2024 Retrograde Dates And The Effects To Watch Out For

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Which planets are in retrograde in 2024? - Discover the dates 🪐

Note down the dates below and prepare yourself to for what's to come. Be warned, certain planets inflict more drama than others. 

Mercury retrograde
First phase: From April 1 to April 25, 2024, in Aries.
Second phase: From August 5 to August 15, 2024, in Virgo.
Third phase: From August 16 to August 28, 2024, in Leo.
Fourth phase: From November 26 to December 15, 2024, in Sagittarius.
Mars retrograde
There are no retrograde periods in 2024.
Venus retrograde
First phase: From December 6, 2024, to January 6, 2025, Mars is retrograde in Leo.
Second phase: From January 7 to February 24, 2025, Mars is retrograde in Cancer.
Jupiter retrograde
From October 9, 2024, to February 4, 2025, in Gemini.
Saturn retrograde
From June 29 to November 15, 2024, in Pisces.
Uranus retrograde
From September 1, 2024, to January 30, 2025, in Taurus.
Neptune retrograde
From July 2 to December 7, 2024, in Pisces.
Pluto retrograde
First phase: From May 2 to September 2, 2024, Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
Second phase: From September 3 to October 11, 2024, Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn.

How does each planet's retrograde phase affect us?

Click on each planet and find out what happens when it enters this rocky phase:











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Astrologist Susan Taylor

🗒️ Astrologist Susan Taylor's insights: 🗒️

In traditional astrology, the concept of retrograde has been attributed to internalization and introspection. It's linked to the process of spiritual development and growth via extensive reflection. This spiritual process develops despite our natural instincts and contrary to our spontaneous primary tendencies. A planet in this cycle is seen as an "energy node", that is to say, an evolutionary constraint inherited from the past which will shape the present incarnation…


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Mercury retrograde - Challenges lies ahead

Has an effect on: Communication, transportation, technology, travel, clear-thinking

Frequency: 3-4 times a year (lasting approximately 21 days)

When Mercury is in this cycle, all forms of communication and connection are strained. It’s during these periods that misunderstandings should always be expected. Journeys will feel longer and more tiresome than ever before, and technology that works perfectly will appear to break overnight.

The key to overcoming this trial is to avoid making any big decisions. It’s not that the people around you aren’t trustworthy, but the risk of misunderstandings is too great to sign any contracts or make any serious agreements. If any important events arise, then it’s essential that you plan in advance so that you arrive in time and show the best of yourself.


Saturn Retrograde - Important decisions are made

What this motion influences: Reputation, social standing, structure, work, politics

Frequency: Once a year (lasting a few months)

When Saturn is in out of control, it can have a tendency to boost your maturity. You’ll have a clearer view of your duties and privileges, and your smaller worries and anxieties will fade away as a result. That’s not to say that this period is all positives, though, as there’ll be fresh seriousness in your life that will prevent you from relaxing and leaving your work at the office door.

During this phase, it can be a good idea to reflect on yourself! The Ringed Planet urges introspection, so put your habits and relationships under the microscope and consider the parts of your life that you wish to see last into the future.


Venus Retrograde - Your love life is impacted

Has an impact on: Love, marriage, partnerships, passion

Frequency: Every 19 months (lasting 42 days)

When in this phase, Venus has a habit of causing havoc in your love life! Relationships can become frosty, and tensions have a tendency to arise. This cycle offers up a clearer view of what you want from romance, which can force you to either bring an end to a relationship, or equally, throw yourself headfirst into a new one.

It’s during this cycle that you’ll learn a lot about yourself and how you handle emotion. There might be problems bubbling beneath the surface of your relationship, and all it takes is Venus to lift the lid for you to learn what your love life is really made of. In addition, avoid embracing passion too quickly, as you’re likely to regret the decisions you’ve made once it passes.


Mars Retrograde - Decisions will be made

Provokes: War, energy, motivation

Frequency: Every 25 months (lasting 80 days)

Mars symbolizes our drive and ability to act, so it’s no surprise that it does the complete opposite when in this phase. You might be filled with ambition and desperate to see your life progress, but the Red Planet will refuse to make things budge-which has disastrous effects on your temper! Plans will fail to become a reality, and your patience will be tested to its very limits.

The visual backwards motion of planets, means it’s important that you keep a tight rein on your emotions. Frustrations will kick in, and your normally calm demeanor will be steamrolled by anger and rage. That said, this bubbling emotion will give you the chance to reflect on the unresolved conflicts within, and confront the parts of your personality that are holding you back.

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Pluto Retrograde - Introspection is encouraged

What it influences: Transformation, change, psychic energy

Frequency: Once a year (lasting approximately 5 months)

When Pluto moves backwards, we are often plunged into the very depths of our own identities. There’s a newfound sense of confusion, and it’s likely that you’ll struggle to come to terms with who you are and what your purpose in life is.

This forces us to confront the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves, which can regularly have devastating effects. It’s key during these periods that you steer clear of anything too heavy, as it can be incredibly damaging for your morale. Perhaps it’s best to keep yourself occupied to fight off the moments of introspection.


Neptune Retrograde - You'll turn over a new leaf

Has an effect on: Dreams, imagination, fantasy

Frequency: Once a year (lasting approximately 5-6 months)

Neptune has the ability to open our minds and souls at the best of times, and this is taken to a whole new level when it spins out. Spirituality arrives in full force, and whilst it does bring a little open-mindedness, it can leave you open to deceptions and delusions. Your sense of logic will take a backseat, and you’ll be left fantasizing things that will most likely never be.

When Neptune enters this phase, it’s essential that you keep your mind from the clouds and your feet firmly fixed to the ground. If not, you’ll find yourself crashing back to reality once it ends and the rose-tinted glasses are gone. However, that’s not to say that you should completely avoid the fantasy, as you’ll be able to learn a lot more about yourself and your subconscious thanks to how vivid your dreams are during this period.


Jupiter Retrograde - Good or bad fortune...

What it impacts: Luck

Frequency: Once a year (lasting approximately 3-4 months)

Jupiter’s retrograde is exactly what you need if you happen to find yourself losing your way! The Giant Planet seeks out truth and wisdom, and so provides you with the opportunity to look at the bigger picture and point out where you’re going wrong. You’ll recognize how lucky you are to have arrived at where you are, and your appreciation for life will skyrocket.

During these periods of madness, the key can be found in self-improvement! Reflect on what makes you happy and how you can extend this joyfulness long into the future. Embrace the planet’s introspective abilities, as you’ll come away from the period with a newfound recognition of your own talents, and a closer spiritual bond between your mind and soul.


Uranus Retrograde - Calmness will be installed

What this movement causes: Chaos, freedom

Frequency: Once a year (lasting 5 months)

Uranus moving backwards is the very bringer of enlightenment! Whilst other planetary retrogrades tend to force change out of your impulse, this one urges you to be more cool-headed and objective in your approach. There are negative parts of your life that you choose to ignore, but Uranus will send down a ‘lightning bolt moment’, and your eyes will be opened to the things that hold you back.

On realizing the aspects of your life that are in desperate need of change, it’s often the case that you’ll attempt to transform yourself rapidly. As a result, you can lose your sense of self, and damage relationships with loved ones that aren’t prepared for such a dramatic transformation.

How to proactively use each planet's retrograde phase 

Typically, when a planet is in retrograde, projects struggle to advance, electronics break down, and emotions run high. In short, nothing goes to plan, but that’s not to say that we have to endure this period. Although times are tough, we can all surf on the positive vibes too 💪.

  • Mercury - Connect with old friends.
  • Venus - Heal any relationship issues.
  • Mars - Begin an exercise plan.
  • Jupiter - Travel to your favorite place.
  • Saturn - Practice self-discipline.
  • Uranus - Study up on current events.
  • Neptune - Cut out the toxic energies.
  • Pluto - Declutter your home.

What signs will be affected by retrograde 2024? 😨

In 2024, several astrological signs are likely to be impacted by periods of retrograde major planets. Planetary retrogrades are times when the influence of certain planets seems to recede, leading to periods of reflection, adjustment and inner growth. For example, Mercury retrograde, which affects communication and relationships, could have a particular impact on Gemini and Virgo, who are ruled by Mercury. Similarly, Venus retrograde, linked to love and relationships, could influence Taurus and Libras. Mars retrograde, associated with energy and action, could affect Aries and Scorpio. Leos and Aquarius could feel the effects of retrograde Uranus, which favors inner revolution and innovation. It's important to note that the impact of retrogrades can vary from person to person according to their individual birth charts, but these periods offer everyone the opportunity to re-evaluate, liberate and grow on a personal and spiritual level.

📍 FAQ - Is there a retrograde right now? - The signs that confirm we are in this period 📍

During a retrograde period, the impacted planets are thought to have more more intense infleunces on us, and often result in us deciding that we have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Indeed, this phase encourages us to reflect on our recent decisions and actions. The powerful energies throw us into a reflective state and almost always bring us to the conclusion that we need to take a break from the rush of our daily lives to take stock of our mistakes and future choices.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Prepare for what's to come

Knowing the retrograde dates for 2024 means being able to anticipate and prepare for their influence. To move forward serenely in life, we all need to know where we are going, to reassure ourselves about our choices. This is why, if you have doubts about your life, and you feel that you need to be guided, do not hesitate to turn to one of our psychics who will be able to enlighten you and offer you spiritual guidance.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.


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