Full Moon Wishes To Make And The Abundance Ritual To Follow On April 23

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The Full Moon is a perfect time to make a wish; whether it be for love, wealth, health, or in your general activities. When you have a specific wish in mind, there is a suitable ritual for it, and it’s simple to carry out! 🤲 First, discover the Full Moon wishes for abundance rituals, or wallet game, which comes from Japan, then learn how to practice the second wish and intention ritual. Your dreams are finally about to come true!

Full Moon Wishes To Make And The Abundance Ritual To Follow On April 23

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Full Moon wishes: Welcome abundance into your life

With these two rituals, you will attract abundance into your financial life, but also in other areas of your life 🤗. If you are familiar with the law of attraction, you’ll know that the principle is the same. As you formulate your wishes, you will emit strong vibrations through your beliefs and actions. Vibrations to which the Universe will be sensitive and receptive!

These two rituals are simple to carry out: all you will need is your wallet, an open window, a piece of paper, a pen, and to do it within 8 or 24 hours after the Full Moon. Learn here, how to make Moon water.


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The wishes to make on the night of the Full Moon of April 23, 2024, in Scorpio

As we prepare for the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd, 🌕 let us tap into its transformative energy to craft wishes and set intentions that resonate with the depths of our being. Here are some wishes to ponder:

  • 🌟 Wish for the courage to confront and release deep-seated fears and emotional blockages, allowing for profound healing and liberation.
  • 🌱 The ability to embrace the intensity of our emotions with grace and acceptance, honoring the full spectrum of our feelings without judgment.
  • 💖 The transformation of pain and past traumas into sources of wisdom and empowerment, fostering resilience and inner strength.
  • 🤝 The dissolution of toxic patterns and relationships, creating space for authentic connections rooted in trust and mutual respect.
  • 🌈 The revelation of hidden truths and insights, guiding us towards greater self-awareness and spiritual growth.
  • 🌠 The manifestation of inner power and self-confidence, empowering us to assertively pursue our passions and purpose.
  • 🌱 The wisdom to navigate the shadows of our psyche with compassion and self-love, embracing the journey of self-discovery and evolution.

Full moon wish

Under the illuminating light of the Scorpio Full Moon, may our wishes be infused with the transformative energy of renewal and rebirth, guiding us towards greater depth, authenticity, and fulfillment in our lives.

- Discover the date of the next Full Moon -

Rituals under the Full Moon for abundance: What are the steps to follow? 🗒️

1. Take your wallet:

Empty your purse, or even the pocket you use to store your cards and change. After emptying it, it should no longer contain anything related to money. Then, take out your bank cards, receipts, or your banker's business cards.

2. Empty it, or leave only notes in it.

Depending on your desires, because abundance can be expressed in other areas such as love, health, or happiness.

3. Go outdoors:

Or simply open your window with your wallet in your hand. The goal of this step is to see the Moon (even if it’s hidden by clouds, its influence will remain intact).

4. Connect to your highest vibration:

At this point, you should feel nothing but gratitude and love.

5. Hold your wallet open:

It's time to raise your arms for the Full Moon…

6. Shake it whilst thanking the Moon:

You can say your thanks in your head, out loud. Here are some examples of phrases to which the Moon will be sensitive:

  • ‘Moon, I thank you so much for filling my wallet with money’.
  • ‘Moon, thank you for giving me the means to make my dreams come true!’
  • ‘Thank you, Moon, for all the abundance you bring into my life.’

Please note: It's up to you to choose your words and intentions, according to your needs and what suits you best at the time.

> Read up on New Moon wishes too <

📍 Things to do on a Full Moon for good luck? - Try the Power Wish method 📍
The Power Wish Method is a manifestation technique that fully utilizes your innate gravity force (the personal Moon sign) as well as the Moon's (the daily Moon sign). It is an extremely precise way to manifest your wishes and dreams using the gravity of the Moon when it is at its peak, at the new moon and full moon.

Here are the 6 rules for writing a Power Wish with the Moon:

Rule 1: Write your wishes as intentions at the New Moon, and write them as a statement of gratitude at the Full Moon;
Rule 2: Take into account the characteristics of the zodiac sign in which the New Moon and Full Moon are located;
Rule 3: Use anchor affirmations and anchors;
Rule 4: Incorporate powerful words (words that connect easily to the universe)
Rule 5: Finish writing your wish within ten hours of the New Moon or Full Moon
Rule 6: You can make as many wishes as you like!


This first Full Moon ritual is simple and easy to perform. You have the possibility to do it either 24 hours before the Full Moon or 24 hours after.

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Ritual of wishes and intentions: How do I go about writing them? 🖊️

1.  Formulate your wishes clearly:

Organize your wishes and express them in clear sentences. Rather than simply asking “to be happy or rich,” describe the object of your desires in more detail. What kind of work do you want to do to earn so much money? What kind of people do you want in your life to fulfill yourself?

2. Write your wishes down on paper:

Once determined, transcribe your wishes on paper, by hand, so that all your hope can be felt. As you write, imagine your wishes coming true.

3. Say them out loud with confidence:

Make sure you don't use any negative terms or phrases. Rid yourself of jealous or degrading thoughts when writing your wishes down.

4. Choose the right moment:

Making a wish within 8 hours after the Full Moon is recommended. If that’s not possible, you can also make a wish within 48 hours.

5. Keep your notes:

Keep the paper containing your wishes, with the date you pronounced them. Take a look at the paper sometimes, so you can understand the changes in your thinking or desires.


This ritual is to be used if you wish for something in particular.


Check out our Moon calendar for more insights into this phase

How many wishes can you make on the night of the Full Moon? 🌕

It is preferable not to exceed 3 wishes if you want them to be granted. On the other hand, you can recharge all your divinity tools and minerals without any problem. Also, you may feel too emotional and disconnected at the peak of this phase, but we can use the energy of the Full Moon with a ritual to learn about the underlying and perhaps unconscious reasons for your emotions. Facing and processing this information keeps us from going through the waning phases of feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

Susan Taylor’s insights: An extra ritual

Use a blue GLASS bottle (not plastic), fill it with drinking water, and place it in the moonlight on the evening of the full moon or new moon on the page where your wishes are written. Leave it for at least 2 hours, or the whole night if you wish. Drink the water the next day. 

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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