What Is A Double Cancer In Astrology? Cancer Sun + Cancer Rising

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Cancer sun Cancer rising, you are either adored or intolerable. You are wholehearted, deeply in love with your family and attachments, but somewhat immobile. Therefore, it's in your best interest to find an energizing partner to avoid sinking regularly into sterile daydreams. Depending on whether you succeed or not in your love life, you will either thrive in the home or wither away in solitude.

What Is A Double Cancer In Astrology? Cancer Sun + Cancer Rising

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Cancer sun Cancer rising: A straightforward character

You have a discreet personality when viewed from the outside. In reality, within yourself, there is a whole universe of sensations and thoughts, often challenging to express. Consequently, fully externalizing represents a real challenge. Your modesty underscores your inner doubts about the legitimacy of your ideas and ideals. You greatly need to feel confident before opening up. You are often worried, anxious without knowing why.

Cancer sun Cancer rising, you enjoy contemplation and never get bored because simply observing your surroundings absorbs you. You are very homely as you only truly feel secure at home. Your family is your main interest, which doesn't make you very sociable 🚸. You face the external world out of necessity more than desire, so you often need support.

Cancer sun Cancer rising in love and relationships

You bet on stability and balance when it comes to love. Cancer sun Cancer rising, you are dreamy, idealistic, and you believe in finding your perfect match, so beware of disillusionment! However, once you find your soulmate, you will never let him go! In a relationship, be considerate, attentive, and demonstrative with your affection. You tend to maintain almost sensual relationships, yet, you must be careful not to lose yourself.

❤️ You are a great romantic seeking a deep, nurturing relationship. However, your expectations are immense and often don't align with the emotional potential life offers. You are somewhat childish in your desires, which can annoy a more mature partner. Somewhat unconsciously, you mainly focus on your impressions and feelings, and at times, you can be quite egocentric.

>>> Read about the Cancer compatibility here

What is Cancer sun Cancer rising like with their family?

You need a home providing the stability and security necessary for growth, a place of harmony and tenderness where you protect yourself from the world at the slightest danger. Excessively sensitive and emotional, you are easily hurt. Intuitive, you pick up influences from your environment, living in a flow of sensations not always easy to control. Deeply attached to your family, your clan, it's within it that you give the best of yourself, forgetting your insecurities and gaining confidence.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 

How about with money and finances?

You are not a very good manager. Capricious, capable of great generosity and tiny pettiness, you don't always have a clear idea of what a budget is. It's preferable that you have honest and realistic private and social partners to advise and guide you in important operations.🧑‍💼

What are they like at work?

You evolve by intuition, and you know how to seize the opportunities which are offered to you, thus, your lack of ambition is largely compensated by your flair. Your need for security encourages you to work within a stable structure that allows you to make the most of all the facets of your skills. If organization is not your strong point, on the other hand, your superiors or your collaborators can count on your creativity and your inventiveness.

You lack ambition and perseverance, but you are still a conscientious worker. You have the potential to excel in anything related to imagination. Your childhood did not favor the expression of your potentials, at least not with ease and confidence. Your sentimentality tends to dominate rational thinking. Likewise, your fertile imagination makes you a potential creator in the fields of imagery, cinematography, and arts oriented towards surrealism. You are gradually learning that you are just as capable, if not more so, than those who express themselves with ease.

⭐ Which celebrities are Cancer sun Cancer rising? ⭐

Elon Musk
Margot Robbie
14th Dalai Lama

In conclusion…

Entering your intimate circle is not easy; one must be deemed trustworthy to be admitted. You need affection, understanding, and you like to be needed. You are highly receptive to those you love, knowing how to listen, console, and advise. You have many friends, but you are selective before granting your trust, which doesn't prevent you from being amiable with everyone.

While our zodiac signs are the most well-known parameter of astrology among the public, anyone that knows anything about astrology would testify that the ascendant sign is an equally important consideration for evaluating a personality. The ascendant is known to play a significant role in the development of character, along with having an influence on physical characteristics.

💡 Are you unsure of your zodiac sign and your rising sign? Figure them out here.

Cancer sun Cancer rising; hypersensitive personality mix

If you are a Cancer sun Cancer rising, then you will no doubt already be aware of your hypersensitive tendencies. As a reserved and emotional nature, you often retreat into your shell when people try to get close to you. People with this combination are constantly scared of their kindness being portrayed as a weakness, and are therefore afraid of showing people who they really are. You are a natural dreamer and love imagining what the future holds for you. Your life lacks a bit of magic, which is why you love fantasizing about your dream life.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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