Libra And Scorpio Compatibility: ♥ Strong Sensual Duo

Last updated by Susan Taylor

This duo isn't exactly one that instantly springs to mind when thinking about the perfect love story, simply because in appearance they are so different. Libra is airy, sociable and dreamy, whereas Scorpio is the strong yet silent type, who doesn't like to get too involved. Yet, that being said, their sensuality rises above everything else and draws them together as if they were magnets. This relationship may not last very long. Indeed, the Scorpio can sometimes be very domineering, crushing the Libra native who, one day, may finally want to free themselves from the clutches of their partner. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Libra And Scorpio Compatibility: ♥ Strong Sensual Duo

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"Libra and Scorpio will want to rip each other's clothes off." 

Libra and Scorpio compatibility score: 2/5

These two are really attracted to each other. Libra is ruled by Venus and Scorpio personality is ruled by Mars and Pluto, which makes them both very sensual and sexy characters. Libra and Scorpio won’t be able to resist each other, but the only downfall is that their passion could overflow and become toxic. Scorpio may become annoyed by the nonchalance of Libra, and Libra will in turn require lots of reassurance and comfort from Scorpio. Jealousy plays a destabilizing role in their rapport. A very strong physical understanding is certainly likely between them! But these two natives must be careful that their story is not a flash in the pan or even a destructive passion.

The demanding Scorpio has found a great ally in Libra. He can devote himself to his important work, and Libra takes care of everything he can't do. Skillful, subtle and organized, Libra meets the needs of the enterprising Scorpio. The two work or live together, complementing each other. Libra has a keen eye for the ambivalence of her Scorpio partner. She'll respect his vital need for independence: he can run away for several days to get some fresh air, and return to the fold without complication. This strengthens Libra's power to act, and she'll know how to surround and reassure him.

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Could Libra and Scorpio have a successful relationship?

In the office, they can work well in activities related to justice. When it comes to friendship, their common need for sincerity, truthfulness, justice and transparency will unite them. Libra and Scorpio will work better as friends. Scorpio will take you where you rarely go, and it will fascinate, enchant you. Thus, you will form an explosive couple where the alchemy of the senses will have its say! They know how to complement each other; the conciliatory Libra is always eager to succeed in love and will make a lot of effort to reassure the Scorpio, who is often tortured by doubts and endless questioning. On the other hand, Scorpio will bring energy and audacity to a Libra who is sometimes too hesitant or passive in life.

Librans don't care much about the passage of time. They observe, adapt, or rather, change nothing. They're not afraid of change, and their only stress is not being materially secure. Scorpio, on the other hand, knows all the contours of life. This sign resists everything and drags others along with it.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Libra -

What could bring this couple down?

In this clever mix of the senses, your common ills will resonate, and you will sometimes have a hard time finding your balance. Beware because you can easily drown in the complex psyche of Scorpio, until you lose your personal balance! Scorpio is likely to be annoyed by the nonchalance of Libra, who often dreams without acting on their plans. Scorpio may even become aggressive and hurtful in an attempt to wake Libra up. Jealousy can also play a destabilizing role because these two great seducers are just as possessive as each other...

What will their sex life be like?

If the beginnings can be explosive, Libra will quickly get tired of this sign which sometimes lacks softness and tenderness! On the sex side, tenderness and perversity are the keywords for this couple. One does not go without the other, and they need both to have fulfilled bedroom activities.

Love advice for this pair

If passion is present within this mixture, it does not guarantee a successful relationship. Although, if this couple wants to go far, they will need to establish a deeper understanding. Making an effort to understand each other's desires should be the key to a successful relationship.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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